Run away

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*SAMs pov *

I just love cookies they r are so refreshing they make my day especially that chocolate chip yum Yum Yum so good omg I just drooled. My mom brought them from the store today I was so excited. my first cookie looks so good when I bit into it I pulled out a raisin wat the


I through the raisin cookies on the floor and stepped on those thiny pices of shits they call rasins. God they are sick they tryin to trick little kids oh lord.COOKIES ARE SUPPOST TO BE SUGARY NOT HEALTHY can I get an amen ??!! While I was jumping on those little devils I heard


Being yelled down the street and I see the one and only jannah banana running down the street come on give it up for the one and only JANNA BANANA.swinging the door open she ran towards me. She said


I wasn't surprised this is her 5th time running away. Bit this time I had a feeling it would work.Since my family was pretty rich I asked my parents if i could go on vacation with jannah surprisingly she said yes we just needed to get away from this drama she gave us 2 first class tickets to London so aunti Martha can check up on us some times.I to have drama here. Don't want to talk about it . All I have to say I was  bullied physically.

" Jannah I have a surprise for u "

" Wait wat happend to the cookies over there " asked jannah.

"That was mother fucking raisn cookies ,how sick "

Next thing i see is jannah running up there jumping on them yelling

" Fuck u cookies "

Then comes back saying "wats the surprise ".

" You know how all this drama her in California is so yeah I got us TICKETS TO LONDOOOOOOON "

"AHAHAHAAHAH" We both scram like lunatics


*Authors Note*

Sorry about the words being in a differnt font wattpad was acting up so hope u r liking the story


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