The Date

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( Sams Pov )

I kept wondering where Niall was going to take when...

It was the most beautiful restraunt ever.

There was only one table and I am pretty sure he rented the whole place.

There was an arch and lights wrapped around it leading you to a beautiful path

"Niall this is beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you" He said

"Stop it " I said smiling

"But it is true"Niall smiled

I saw him glance down at my lips so I a stepped closer to him he leaned down and kissed me. It was slow and nice his hands were on my thighs and my hands around his neck.

We sat down to eat and the food was amazing.

After we finshed we walked down the path and headed to the car wich was surronded by paparrazzie.


(Jannahs Pov)

I cant belevie I am stuck with these these...


Now that I am band from the movies I realy am bored.

"So Harry I get to ground you however I like lets see you tommorow my slave!" I cackled drumming my fingers together.

Harry swallowed and was pale

I ran to my room picked out my biggest undergarments and ran to harrys room I placed them on his bed.

Left a note saying "tomorrow morning you will wear this and be my slave if you do not we will drag you into your room take all your porn videos, cellphone, and laptop

Your owner for a day


I went out side with an evil grin scarring the shit out of Harry.

"Go check your Hazza." I said

"I will do it and I would look good in this!"He yelled

"What does he have to do?"Zayn asked

"Wear my underwear and be my slave!"

We all burst out laughing

When Sam on Nialls back ran in out of breath.


(secret admirers Pov)

I cant take how wonderful she is funny and just the right amount of crazy.


(Nialls Pov)

I put my hoodie on Sam and ran into the car.

I sarted the engine and drove off.

I parked the car and sam said

"Niall there is a crowd of fans outside."

"Come on hurry!"I yelled

We got out when fans stared to through stuff at Sam then a fan threw a brick hitting sam in the leg.

She fell to the ground and I picked her up

"Niall take me home now!"She cried blood on her leg

Once we were in the flat everybody turned to look at us

"Sam!" Jannah screamed looking at her leg

"Did you do this I should have known you were like the others!"She yelled at me.

"The fans did this!And what do you mean by the others?"

Jannah stayed quite

"Niall can you get the first aid kit"Liam asked.


(Sams Pov)

The pain was unberrable I needed a large bandage

When we were in the flat Jannah and Niall were arguing then she metioned the others


"You worthless bitch!"Devin my ex-boyfriend screamed

He slapped me reapeditly we were in a ally I was with him for 2 weeks starved and beat.

Then he brought out a knife he slashed my back.

After that cops, my mom, and Jannah arived.

The cops took Devin and I was rushed to the hospital.


Liam wrapped my leg and Niall carried me to his room

"What did Jannah mean by the others?"

I hesitated but told him

"I would never do that to you." He said kissing my head.

Then he whisperd in my ear.

"Will you sleep here with me just cuddling? "

I knodded.

He kissed me then a kiss turning to a heated makeout session.

I was in his lap my hands in his hair then him nipping on my neck that was going to leave a mark in the morning.

I pressed agianst his body getting a moan then biting his bottom lip getter a louder moan. Pretty sure they heard that downstairs.

A knock on the door separated us

Louis opened the door to show all of them.

"Well I see you guys being naughty Niall you have sex hair, you both got swollen lips, and Sam is that a hickey?"Louis laughed

I covered the bruise blushing

"What do you guys and Jannah want?"I asked

"We heard a loud moan!"They yelled

It was Nialls turn to blush.

(Jannahs Pov)

I felt bad that I accused Niall of hurting Sam

Then I heard a moan wich sounded like a guy.

We all ran upstairs peeking through Nialls door Sam in his lap making out awkaward.

Then Louis knocked making them separate.

He opened the door and started saying how they looked SAM HAD A HICKEY.

I feel so bad for blaming Niall now seeing how much he cared about her.


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