Basically Homeless

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(Liam Pov)

After the girls left Victoria and I were heading to my room when Niall jumped on me.


He stomped upstairs and punching the wall.

What have I done but they kept messing with Victoria and they told me to choose but I ruined my mates life.

(Nialls Pov)

I was punching breacking everything in my room when I stopped to see her dress from when we went clubbing.

I know I sound like a girl but I held it this is the only thing I have left of her.

Liams my mate but mates dont do this to each other.

(Zayns Pov)

Niall went crazy and I am realy pissed because I was supposed to have a date with Jannah.

Those girls came and everything was awsome and Liam just stomped on all of that.

(Louis Pov)

Jannah and Sam were the best and Jannah my best friend after Harry the best my carrot buddy. Sam the cookie monster.

(Harrys Pov)

Jannah may have teased me and Sam may have been annoying but I miss them where could the be.

(Jannhas Pov)

Sam and I were wondering the streets when we stopped at the Starbucks we first met the boys. No dont think of them we have to forget them.

The sign on the door said help wanted.

"We need the money." Sam said

We walked into the coffee shop and went over to the cashier. I looked around this place at the memories and noticed no one was here. when I saw no one I mean zip, squat,nada.

That's weird.

" Hi how may I help you" said the huge worker

" Um we say your help wanted sign and we were wondering if we can have applications"

"Oh sure just come to the back with me"

When we went to the back there were 2 more boys and 1 girl.

Holding a shovel in there hands.

" What's going o-"


they hit both of our heads.

I turned towards Sam to see that she has blacked out and blood coming from her head.

I turned towards them and saw that they went to go pull out sams iPhone out of her pocket.

I checked to see if my phone was in my bra and it was.

Haha Sam I told you you should always keep it in there .

They came towards me I quickly closed my eyes he bent down and checked if I had my phone and I didn't.

They picked both of us up and walked us in the ally towards the black van.

I tried to keep my eyes open to look out the window and try to reremeber our way back but my eyes kept failing me.

I crawled towards Sam making sure they didn't see me and cuddled close to her. then my eyes slowly shut and it filled with darkness.

( Niall )

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