How To Get Away From The Bad Guys

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Chapter 4 : How To Get Away From The Bad Guys

        As I watched the scary men fire off the pistols blindly, I grabbed a hold of my camera and wallet that were on the couch next to me. Before I even could comprehend what was happening, Austin grabbed a hold of my hand and we darted into the kitchen in three seconds flat. He shoved me to the floor and took a couple of deep breaths. “Stay…there…”

        I nodded and took a note that when he moves too quickly, it takes a lot out of him. Must be the vampire in him finally wearing off. The sound of bullets being shot through my apartment finally decreased.

        “Warren Rouse,” A loud, New York thick accent boomed across my house, “you’re wanted for the murder of two werewolves, one fairy, three mermaids, and two vampires.”

        “There’s more than that,” I heard Austin, who was being called Warren Rouse, mutter. He looked to me, and I must’ve not looked very well, because he gave me a warning look. “Keep your mouth shut, kid. I told you I wasn’t the good guy.”

        “Come out now and we will not shoot. We have orders to bring you in, dead or alive.”

        “You better get out there,” I whispered madly to him. “We’re going to get killed!”

        “Are you crazy?” He breathed. “I’m not going out there! To hell with that dumbass idea!”

        “You have ten seconds.”

        “Austin! Go!”

            “My name’s not Austin!”

        “Eight seconds.”

        “You told me it was!”

        “I lied!”

        “Five seconds.”

        I gave him a revolted look. “Why?”

        “Three seconds.”

        He rolled his eyes. “Get off the floor. Now.”

        He grabbed my hand and as soon as he did, we appeared in my bedroom. My eyes widened at his fast movements. When I located him, I saw him shut my bedroom door and lock it. He turned to me, looking more out of breath than I did. Gun shots started to go off again, but they were facing the kitchen this time.

        “We don’t have much time,” He inhaled, pointing towards the window. “Get out on the ledge.”

        “Are you crazy!?”

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