How To Get Out Of A Trap Once And For All

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Chapter 32 : How To Get Out Of A Trap Once And For All

"Lovely." Warren instinctively pushed me behind him. "Something I can take my anger out on," He snarled. "Joel, keep her behind you. I don't want your help."

Joel grabbed me and saluted. "Aye, aye, sir." He pushed me back right as Warren went at them all.

I watched in horror as he sliced three vampires necks in three seconds."Are you sure he won't need any help?"

"Positive,"Joel responded. "I've seen this guy go up to 50 vampires at a time. He could win a war by himself, I'm sure of it."

Warren wasn't just slicing their necks. He was cutting into their chests with a sword that was stashed away on his belt and removing their hearts. It was the most goriest thing I've ever seen. Joel was watching it like it was the next best action movie. Warren had wet blood all over his hands and he looked so angry at everything.

I'm not the good guy, kid.

"This is disgusting," I whispered towards Joel, looking away. This room was going to be covered in blood in a minute. I didn't want to see how graphic Warren could truly get. It terrified me, to be honest.

"I've gotten use to it after 200 years," Joel whispered back. "You got him really upset, you know."

I paused. "Yeah, I know."

"You're going to give him high cholesterol."

I wanted to smile, but with the scene in front of me, I unfortunately could not. "I think I already have."

Warren finished ripping the heart out of the last one. With an angry grunt,he kicked the body away from him and dropped the heart. His hands and forearms were covered with sticky blood. He was out of breath just slightly. Like it was a tiny warm up for him. He walked over to the blanket on the ground and disposed of half the blood on his hands.

When he was finished, he came up to me, a few feet between us. "Take a good, long look. This is what it's going to look like when I destroy Gerber."

No,not kill. Destroy. "You're not going anywhere near him,"I hissed.

"Oh yeah?" He snorted. "Watch me."

Joel heaved a sigh. "Guys, we better get moving before they send more of the Brady Bunch our way."

Warren moved away from me. "Joel's right. Let's go." He handed Joel a gun, which he gladly accepted like it was his first born child.

Warren moved up the stairs slowly. There was a gun out in front of him. I was in the middle, and Joel was behind me. When we got to the top of the stairs, he opened the next door. We were in the room that had the gigantic chair. Warren stopped moving. He stopped breathing. He stopped everything and looked around the room. "He's here,"Warren whispered.

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