Ek Mauka

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She sighed, Yet again, Watching Sheetal and Arav chatting with the family about anything and everything in general, Her ever so silent husband making an observation or two at regular intervals. It want like she didn't like Arnav interacting with them or taking an active part in the conversation. Khushi had always, In the almost Four Months of their re-marriage encouraged him to be a more and more active talker. She should have been happy, She was seeing her Arnav-ji opening up to the people who loved him and the people who he loved. It as a victory for her now, Wasn't it?

But she wasn't happy, For she knew the reason for her husband's sudden changed behavior. She knew whatever he was doing wasn't because he wished for it, But because he wanted to prove something to her. She still couldn't understand the man in front of her or the reason he did more than half the things that he did. He had been doing this for over a week now, Punishing her for apparently showing mistrust on him and going for a DNA test behind his back.

It had been a week, and she hardly ever got more than a few minutes of time with Arnav, Sometimes.. It was the family, Sheetal & Arav and the other times Arnav's office which interrupted their time together. Even if she succeeded in stealing a few minutes of privacy with her husband all that she got was his silence, His cold and nonchalant behaviour.

She knew that Arnav had realized her presence in the hall, that was probably thereason why he had suddenly engrossed himself all the more deeply in his conversation with his ex-girlfriend.

"Oh yes, I remember now!!" Arnav exclaimed

"It was the last match of the tournament."

"Exactly, And the rival team's player had knocked me down, I had developed a very bad sprain afterwards. I couldn't walk for weeks!" Sheetal pouted.

"What happened next ASR?" Arav asked curiously

"Well.. I had to carry her to the campus hospital later. That was one hell of a challenge, Sheetal weighed like a huge rock." Arnav teased her. Khushi could sear she saw Sheetal smirking at her.

Khushi walked upto him and handed him a glass of water along with his medicines, "Have these" She spoke in a low whisper

"Later Khushi" The coldness in his voice evident to no-one but her.

"The medicines and the water, Both are on the table right in front you, You can have them whenever you like, or even skip them, Your wish." Khushi said tiredly "I'm just going to bed. I'm tired"

The way she said 'I'm tired' made a chill run down his spine, The hurt in her voice that he'd been overlooking for the past one week was more than evident in her voice, Arnav stood up with a start, Ignoring the protests of his family and the Mother-Son duo and made his way towards his room

"Khush" Arnav called entering the room, His eyes scanning the whole room for his wife. He found her sitting on the edge of the bed folding the clothes and keeping them in a neat pile next to her. Arnav settled in front of her and took his white shirt from her hand, "We can do it later, You were saying you're tired, Go and sleep."

Khushi's tired hazel eyes looked up to meet her husband's brown ones, The raw pain reflecting in them made Arnav wince.

"What's the time?" She asked, Arnav frowned but nevertheless replied to her abrupt question "10:30 PM"

"They're all gone? I.. I mean, I thought you'd be downstairs for a little more time chatting with the family, and your girlfriend 'n her son." Khushi asked, Her eyes accusing him.

"You were not well, I didn't want to leave you alone." Arnav sighed

"How did you remember me all of a sudden? I've been living alone for one whole week. What changed suddenly that made you realize that I was alone?" Khushi asked sarcastically

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