You will always have me

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The plate almost slipped from her hand as a memory from the Basketball Match flashed in front of her eyes,

Khushi was sitting on the bench watching Arnav play basketball with Aarav and Sheetal when she heard some voices

"They're looking so adorable together. Like a perfect family" She heard a man

Khushi looked back at the Basketball court and saw the three laughing while playing Basketball. Arnav's carefree laughter brought a beautiful smile on her face.

"The parents have such a great bond with the kid." She heard and the smile dimmed.

"Khushi bitiya"

"Khushi.. Tum theek ho?"

That's when she noticed that she was standing on the same spot for quite a while now and had also started crying. Khushi wiped her tears and moved towards the rest of the family.


"How was the game?" Khushi asked

"Oh it was amazing. We had so much fun!! It was as if the Harvard Days were back!!" Sheetal exclaimed excitedly.

"I see you had a lot of fun." Khushi smiled at Arnav and he nodded with a smile.

"Thank you for arranging the day out Khushi. I really did need it, There's no denying that." Arnav said softly.

"I'm glad. I'm sorry I left in the middle." Khushi whispered.

Arnav frowned at her lack of enthusiasm "What happened Khushi, Why are you off?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing, Just.. I am a little upset. I'll be fine." Khushi confessed.

"What happened love? You've not been yourself for quite a few days now" Arnav asked anxiously.

"Oh Khushi you're such a spoilt sport, Arnav won the game, He is in such a good mood and you are all set to spoil the atmosphere by your gloominess and drama." Sheetal shook her head in disapproval. "I know what is making you upset, The fact that you didn't know Basketball and couldn't play with us. Isn't it Khushi?"

"No Sheetal-ji. First of all I am not trying to spoil the atmosphere or his mood, I am upset.. Arnavji saw it on my face and asked me what's wrong. I told him.. because he has every right to know something is bothering me. Secondly I do realise that there are things I'm not good at, No one can be good at everything Sheetal-ji. Basketball is something you are good at while I'm not. There must be things that I know and you don't" Khushi replied calmly.

"Yeah. Like Cooking and Housework" Sheetal said sarcastically.

"That and Horse Riding, Skating, Ice Skating, and Ice Hockey" Khushi said.

Sheetal stood stunned for a minute before bursting into laughter "Did you come up with that in these five minutes only Khushi?" She asked between her laughs.

"How the hell dare you Sheetal!! That's my wife you're talking to, Be in your limits!" Arnav screamed angrily.

"It's okay Arnavji, You don't have to lose your cool, And sheetal-ji I don't have to prove my talents to anyone, It's their problem that they don't want to believe me. Just because I don't go around flaunting my talents or educational achievements doesn't mean I don't have any.. Or that I am not proud of myself. I just don't believe in flaunting about them to my family. Because for them I'm their Khushi and I want to remain just like that in their eyes" Khushi said with a smile which seemed mocking to Sheetal.

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