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Jimin was snuggling deeply into his couch pillow watching a rerun of some K-drama. But a loud ring of his door bell catches his attention away from the cliche show.

Jimin groans out a loud I'm coming! As he lifts himself off the couch, the soft velvety blanket falling off him.

Jimin didn't know who was at his door, his parents weren't home. So none of their work friends wouldn't swing by.

Jungkook didn't make any plans with him, so who's here?

Jimin felt like a truck rammed in his chest when he sees who's at his door.

"Sehan?" Jimin felt a lump growing in his throat the more he stares at the older. The more he felt nervous.

"Hey, I was by here and wondered if you still lived here. So yeah, here I am." Sehan grins, his hands in his blue skinny pockets.

"Hi, umm anything else?" Jimin really just wanted to get rid of him.

"I wanted to apologize in person, can I come in?" Sehan questions, taking his out his hands when Jimin moves out of his way, gesturing him inside.

"Why don't we sit over here."  Jimin makes his way to the couch.

Sehan sits across from him, his v neck hugged his broad shoulders perfectly, he looked absolutely stunning.

Jimin! He's your ex! What the flying Jungkook are you thinking?!?!

"I was horrible too you, and I honestly hate myself for it for not treating you right. I was selfish and only thought about me. I never cared what you wanted only what was in it for me. I used you, I made you do things you weren't comfortable with." Sehan stops when Jimin realizes he's crying.
"I hurt you really bad and there's no way I could make you change the way you see me, I'm sorry Park Jimin. I'm so Fucking Sorry."

With how long Jimin knew Sehan he never saw him cry. Not like this.
Jimin pulls him into a short hug and breathes in his scent. It was so familiar.

They part and Jimin places his hands over his lap.

"I know but it's okay, yeah sure it hurt me. But things like these happen for a reason. Without you I would've never met Jungkook." Jimin turns away his face heating up at the mention of his boyfriend.

"Your boyfriend?" Sehan smirks.

"Yeah." Jimin chuckles clearly flustered, "do you want to see a picture of him?"

Sehan nods his head and watches
Jimin click on his phone and finds one,

"Damn, he's a cute one. Top?" Sehan of course asks questions that had nothing to do with the conversation.

"Yeah he's the top." Jimin bites his lip as flashes of when Jungkook did top him.

The next few hours Jimin and Sehan caught up, from where they were emotionally and physically.
Jimin noticed how much Sehan changed in span of a few years.
The change was good.

Jimin holds the door as Sehan makes his way out, but Sehan collides with another body.

"Oh shit, sorry." Sehan smiles towards the boy who Jimin'a heart sped up at the mere glance from him.

"Oh Jungkook this is Sehan, he was just stopping by." Jimin smiles but it falters quite slightly at the look Jungkook had.

Jungkooks brows downwards a scorned expression covered his face.
Jungkook was pissed, the smile Sehan had on his face he wanted to slap off, it was the man that hurt his baby.
He wanted to hurt him, just like he hurt Jimin.

"Yeah I'm going to go, it was nice chatting with you again Jimin, and it was great to meet the boy Jimin never stops talking about." Jimin was beat red as Sehan left.

Jungkook would never let go of this.

Hey guys!!!!
Sorry for the short chapter but something might happen next,
Another treat?
Just letting y'all know Sehan is a purely made up character, and so is Ryun if anyone cared.

Thanks for reading,

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