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Hey babes 👋

In this chapter there is a little bit of intense shit. :p
I leave a strong trigger warnings.

-trinity 💕

Jungkook place kisses up and down the neck sucking and a applying enough pressure to form a bruise, Jimin does the same and suddenly Jungkook lets out a deep throaty moan.

And jungkook looks at him in the eyes, lust and wanting clouding his vision.

"Just kiss me damn it!" Jimin giggles pulling the younger back into a kiss.

As Jungkook kisses him and tugs the hem of Jimin's shirt,

Jimin feel tense, he freezes up and suddenly a thousand memories flash before him.

Tragic memories that is.

"Hey princess I missed you." A drunk slurs in-front of his door and Jimin pulls at his sweaters sleeves down looking at the man, pity on his face.

"Your drunk." Jimin's nose scrunched when the older males breath fans his face.

"You know it! My wife was being a real needy bitch today, but I don't care I just want to have some fun." The man giggles and Jimin wishes he left with his parents to visit his grandparents, Jimin lets in the male almost hesitant but power through it, he softly closes the door turning to face the wasted man.

"I'm not in the mood." Jimin sighs and man shakes his head,

"You don't love me, you lied. No wonder why my marriage is shit I'm worthless and your just a prude." He clicked his tongue and goes to reach for the door handle but Jimin swiftly grabs his hand and places it around his waist.

He couldn't bare losing his only love, he loved him and if sleeping with him had to prove it then he would.

"I mean I'm not in the mood to listen about that bitch, just kiss me baby." Jimin kisses the Man and he aggressively tugs his sweater and kisses his lips with so much lust.

Jimin felt like he would drown.

And he did, into the mans lies.

"Jimin is something wrong?"Jungkook has the face of beckoning concern as he notices how tense the boy got.

"I can't do this." Jimin says softly and feels his eyes watering, and jungkook awkwardly stands there scratching the crook of his neck.

"Jimin-" Jungkook is suddenly cut off.

"Get out." Jimin says louder, a biter growl.

"What?" Jungkook didn't quite understand everything was going fine.

"Get out of my house." Jimin looks into eyes and felt as if his tear sack was about to erupt.

"Not until you tell me what's going on!" Jungkook harshly says.

"Why don't you do everyone a fucking favour and do what you always wanted to do." Jimin stands up, and Jungkook steps closer towering over him.

"And what's that exactly?" Jungkook hisses.

"Kill yourself, because if you did no one would notice. You know why because your just another fuckboy clone who has shitty grades and can't get the affection from his parents." Jimin snaps, not thinking about anything that slipped pass his lips and Jungkook freezes.

"Your a stupid try hard that will never be good enough for anyone. Not even yourself." Jimin pokes at his chest, jungkook backing away taking the heat for Jimin was right.

"Stop." Jungkook mumbles on the verge of tears.

"Jeon jungkook your worthless and petty. And no one, no one! Will love a person as pathetic as you." Jimin's eyes narrow and Jungkook's heart dropped.

"I know, no need to remind me. Bye Jimin I'm sorry." And with that Jungkook scuttled away like the coward he was, and left his house and a Jimin felt the need to punch himself.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Jimin finally lets out a tear, and loud; sad sobs fill the house.

As for Jungkook he ran and ran, he noticed the time being only five and that he needed to get away.

And with that he did, he ran away.

Ran away from Jimin; for Jungkook ran away from all his problems.

Jungkook couldn't let himself cry, not now.

He manages to get to the bus stop and make his way back home.

His feet felt as if someone put bricks in his shoes; he wanted to get the pain off his chest, he needed too.

He rushes inside throwing his keys on the counter in side the kitchen, his tears clouds his vision so that he has a hard time walking up the stairs and into his room.

He throws the rest of his belongings onto the bed and he flops face first into a pillow and lets a long, hurt scream filled with sorrow.

Today two hearts shattered to.

One was a link from the past and the other being from the person they love.

How can people be so cruel?

 3 𝑨𝒎 𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒔 | JIKOOK ™Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora