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Jimin was beyond nervous, he stood outside the restaurant waiting for the boys to arrive. Of course him being him; he was early.

Jin drove him and was saying how he had to pay for his food, but Jimin knowing Jin that was going to make him broke from how much that man ate.

Namjoon was touching a tree that had beautiful fairy lights all around it, sparkling blue and white,when he suddenly broke a lightbulb.

"Joonie don't touch anything!" Jin grabbed  Joon's hand and tugged him away from the tree.

"Nervous?" Namjoon peered beside Jimin.

"Yeah." Jimin felt like his legs were turning into rubber.

"I remember when I had my first date. It was um, interesting." The way Namjoon said the last of his sentence; Jimin knew it was terrible.

What if he doesn't like the way I am in real life?

Jimin knew indefinitely that he was more confident behind a screen then in person.

"Oh it's Yoongi and Hobi." Jin waves frantically at the boys, Jimin shakes away his negativity that was circling his thoughts to go see the boys.

"Lets go get our table, Taehyung had to go pick up that jungkook that means he'll be a little late." Yoongi walks to the boys, Hobi strutting behind him and that Jimin noticed how flushed the two looked.

Hoseok's shirt was stretched and crinkled, face bright pink.

Yoongi looked as if he'd run a marathon.

Then it struck him.

"How was the quickie boys?" Jin teases in a mocking tone.

Hoseok goes to open his mouth but closes it; not being able to shoot back.

Yoongi hands snakes around Hoseoks thin waste; which Jimin was so jealous of and says to the older.

"It was a good one, wasn't it babe? Nice fuck, but I got to say Jin at least we can get laid." Yoongi's smirk was prompt clearly proud.

Jimin shakes his head biting his lip to surpass a laugh that was urging to escape his mouth.

"Be quiet! We all know your the submissive Yoongi in the relationship!" Jin barks and shoots glares at the Jimin and Namjoon who both cracked, giggling like little school girls.

"Enough boys your both pretty, let's get a table!" Taehyung's voice booms from behind Jimin and with the speed of sound Jimin turns and see's him.

Jeon Jungkook.

Oh he looked so good, with just a simple black tee and blue skinnies.

They were matching, Jimin wore black tee with black skinnies.

How coincidental.

Jungkook looked at Jimin and he had waves of anxiety kick in.

Jimin was so cute!

Jungkook thought, how was he supposed to impress someone like him.

Jungkook was in awe, the restaurant was simple but aesthetically pleasing.

Yoongi and Hoseok sat together beside Jimin on one side, Jungkook sat across from Jimin and next to him was Jin who was at the far side of the table.

Taehyung and Namjoon next to Jungkook.

They ordered everything they needed.

Conversations of many kinds were said through the dinner.

Jimin was yet to say anything to Jungkook, they were both so nervous.

"What movie are you guys going to watch?" Taehyung finally decided it's about time the boys said something to each other.

"I have no idea, I think we'll decide on what when we get there. Is that okay Jimin?" Jungkook turns to Taehyung then to Jimin, who looks up from his dinner and nods.

"Yeah, theres this comedy that's supposed to be playing." Jimin finally grows the courage the say something.

"Oh I heard it's crazy funny." Jungkook smiles towards the brunette and Jimin feels his heart melt.

"You know your so shy in real life." Jungkook points out, and Jimin hangs his head not wanting to catch eyes with him.

"What about it?" Jimin places down his fork and looks up at the younger.

"I find it adorable." Jungkook compliments and Jimin feels his heart swell.

The dinner went soothingly, the boys all loved Jungkook and all exchanged numbers and added him to the group chat.

The rest of the night was enchanting.

Jimin knew Jungkook was the true gentleman when he let Jimin chose the movie and payed for his popcorn and snacks.

They sat in the back, and Jimin felt so comfortable around him.

He could say anything and he knew Jungkook wouldn't judge him.

Jungkook laughed along side the shorter boy, and he pretends to yawn an lays his arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"Did you just do the move on me?" Jimin mocks tauntingly.

"Yes and that's just one of the few I'll make tonight." Jungkook winks and Jimin looks away a blush blooming around his cheeks.

After a few minutes of silence Jimin asks. "Is this date?"

"Of course, I wouldn't bring just anyone to the movies with me." Jungkook was so sly with his words.

Jimin knew he was falling for it.

Afterwards the boys bid there good byes, saying the had a great time and that they should do it again.

Jimin was feeling as if he had his first kiss, how silly.
He only went on a date with Jungkook.

His crush for how long! It was perfect! He kept on repeating the events of tonight like a broken record.

He squeals and jumps around his room dancing to TWICE'S Yes or Yes.

Jimin's timer goes off signalling that he needed to take off his sheet mask, and after when he leaves his bathroom his phone buzzes.

Kookie❤️: had a great night,
we should do it again sometime 😘

Authors note:

Was it enough? I didn't want to make it too long like my other chapters in side my books.
I want to keep this book nice and fluffy because we need it sometimes.
I was going to use an Ariana Grande song (my queen 👑) 👏👏
But I was listening to Twice so decided against it.

I was just wondering if anyone of you think I should do a smut?
I don't know if I should.

Also don't be a silent reader! Comment! Vote!

Please and thank you.

I want one of my story's to really get out there, and at least want to make it to 1k for one of my books, my other book Dysphoria last time I checked had 952 reads and is close. Ps that's my first book I've written.

Thanks for reading!


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