jealousy? don't know her | Oikwa Tooru

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General information:

Oikawa Tooru x Male!Reader

warning(s): none

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns. the reader is a year older than tooru and attends university.

word count: 3100+

other info: a request from tumblr. this work is not following the manga/anime, but it exists in the same universe. please note that this is also posted on my quotev and deviantart. this is not beta read, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes. 


Oikawa Tooru was stressing.

A blur of endless possibilities and scenarios were circling around in his mind – hindering every reasonable thought that was trying to calm him down.

'What ifs', 'ifs' and 'what happens' questions were gathering in piles, sorted into possible scenarios Tooru imagined in near futures, distant futures and different universes. His mind felt on the verge of collapsing just by the mere sight in front of him and the calm, analysing and critical mask he always wore slipped through his fingers like sand.

His heart rate sped up the moment he felt his façade crumble and in pure rage, everything flashed red before his eyes. Knuckles creaked as he formed fists, and the warm metal filling his mouth snapped him out of the aggression and back to the present where he was standing no more than 7 meters from his boyfriend.

Letting go of his clenched fists and releasing his bleeding bottom lip from the harsh bite, Tooru sent one last nasty glare towards the unknowing figures before he sighed quite heavily and picked up the belongings he had dropped onto the ground. There was no way he would let his adorable boyfriend see him in such a horrid state.

Dear God, please let my eyes have seen wrong...

"[Name]!" Tooru put on his usual happy smile as he walked towards his boyfriend and swiped his tongue quickly over the bitten lip. His boyfriend might be obvious to various things, but when it came to Oikawa Tooru himself, no one was more observant or worried than [Name].

As he drew nearer the college student and whoever had accompanied him, a small piece of the crushing pressure upon his heart let go the moment he saw your lips curl up in your genuine, dorky, but utterly amazing smile. In that exact moment, Tooru found himself ecstatic to call that smile his and the fact that it was directed towards him made his heart thump even more.

"Tooru," you answered just as joyous and took a couple of steps towards his moving figure. "I've missed you so much, cutie."

Laughter erupted from his mouth and a lovely flush spread over his cheeks as he walked into your open arms. He too had missed you the long and agonizing week he spent doing nothing but playing volleyball for upcoming tournaments.

"I missed you too, babe." He replied smoothly as he circled his strong arms around your waist, took in your natural scent and glared at the male behind you. The added pressure on the nickname was also intentional, of course. "It was so hard not seeing you for a week and you hardly replied to my messages." The whining was slightly exaggerated, but it served its purpose by guilt tripping you and telling the stranger to fuck off.

The unknown male glared back, surprising Tooru enough for him to grip his boyfriend's (f/c) sweater harder. What the fuck? Not that he actually could complain much since he was the one who had glared first.

You didn't notice the slight change in your boyfriend's tone, too used to his sappy nicknames. Then again, you were just as bad as Tooru when it came to compliments, loving remarks and syrupy sweet nicknames. The two of you together equalled in lots of PDA, gross flirting and being overall mushy to the point that it was annoying.

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