autumn chills | Sasori

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General information:

warning(s): none

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns. 

word count: 1157

other info: modern au! please note that this is also posted on my deviantart and quotev. this is not beta read by a beta reader, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes. 


The chill autumn evening mixed with the deep blue colour who slowly draped itself over the entire sky as a thick duvet created a calm sensation. You felt strangely warm and fuzzy as your (f/c) converse clad feet stepped on various yellow toned leaves on your way on from a Halloween party.

Perhaps it was the twilight's solitude, the owl's comforting hoot or the creaking noise from the swings swaying slowly in the slightly warm south-wind. Endless other small reasons stacked up in your mind as you continued your stroll home, but for whatever reason, you enjoyed this particular evening it was good to get a breather from the crowded, sweaty, bittersweet and uncomfortable party.

It was originally intended to be just a small gettogether with you and your group of friends, but somehow someone had spread the word around about your party and suddenly Konan's normal sized house felt way too crowded and claustrophobic.

They didn't seem to mind the sudden U-turn and neither did you until your ex suddenly showed up on the doorstep with his own group of friends.

Luckily, he hadn't seen you nor saw you as you got up and walked around to say your goodbyes to your friends who were scattered around in the house.

Then you left.

No more memories, no more reopened scars, no more trust issues, no more him ever again.

After having walked a couple of blocks away from Konan's street, the silence finally sunk in and you took a couple of breaths to free yourself from any bad memory replaying in your mind.

Normally you would have taken the bus, but the walk from Konan's house to your own wasn't too far and you had already walked halfway, so you continued down the leaf-covered asphalt.

The weather had been frosty, cloudy and dry for a couple of days and it made the leaves emit crunchy noises with each step you took. That made you smile.

Autumn wasn't a bad season, the rain, however, was another thing.

Fumbling around in your jacket pockets after your earbuds, you decided against listening to music seconds after you cold fingers brushed against the tangled cord. Even if it wasn't likely to be assaulted in this neighbourhood, you didn't want to take that chance. Plus, you enjoyed the dark and cold evening.

After a few minutes of walking in your own slow tempo, you felt incredibly relieved by your choice to not listen to (fav song) after all. Though far away, you heard the unmistakable sound of a pair of feet stepping on the same leaves you had.

No need to panic, yet...

Whoever walked behind you could be anyone and the chances for that person being Michael Myers was incredibly small. You unconsciously sped up and your already cold hands felt colder and sweatier than seconds ago.

However, it wasn't Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger nor Leatherface you feared.

No, after having seen your ex after god knows how long, your stomach suddenly filled with dread that the figure behind getting closer and closer towards you was no other than him.

With a quick cast of your head, you saw the figure clearly and the awful feeling was replaced with relief.

"Sasori," you breathed happily as you saw the redhead's familiar features, "why didn't you call me? I thought you were going to stay longer with Deidara and the rest."

"I called you." Your college dormmate replied in his usual nonchalant tone.

He was right. When you pulled your phone up you noticed indeed that you had one missed call from none other than the art student in front of you.

"One time though." You mused while shaking your head in disbelief. This kind of behaviour was typical of him and there was nothing more you could expect.

The two of you started to walk again, following the direction you were headed in the first place. None of you said anything for a while, but there was no awkward tension. You were used to being silent around him, he wasn't the outgoing type nor spoke his mind unless there was something bothering him. Sasori's studies required also a certain concentration and silence.

You broke the silence: "You didn't tell me why you suddenly followed after me when you could have left the party with me."

"Who said I followed after you?"

"You did."

Sasori's lips tugged slightly upwards, but the small smile was gone as quickly as it came.

"Oh, really?" He asked rather amusedly, not taking his eyes off the road. "How so, then?"

Observing the red-head briefly, you noticed how his hair matched with the flame coloured leaves. This wasn't the first time you had caught yourself staring at your attractive roommate and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

"Because you called me, and you walked quickly enough to catch up to me."

"Oh," though his reply was soft, the look in his eyes wasn't. It seemed as if he was searching for something, but at the same time as if just had found something really important.

"I saw your ex."

The sudden topic changed surprised you, but the sudden surprise turned sour quickly.

"Well, so did I." Your reply was sharp and Sasori seemed to wince slightly at that. After you opened up and told him about how exactly your ex had hurt you, you thought he knew better to bring that topic up in a casual conversation.

"Was he the reason for your quick departure?"

"No-," you stopped yourself from denying the truth. Of course, he was the reason why you left, but it didn't feel right confessing that in front of Sasori of all people. "Well, yes," you still confessed, "but I stopped having fun long before he came."

You could feel Sasori's dark and unchanging eyes on you as you spoke and then a little longer after you had stopped.

"Me too." He finally said. The words left an open silence hanging- waiting for you to ask why.

So, you did:

"Why did you leave?"

The question made him stop his motion, directly under a lamppost. For a few seconds his eyes were averted from yours and you couldn't help but follow his gaze to where he was staring at his black boots.

"Because the only reason for me being there left."

When he lifted his head up again, Sasori was pleasantly surprised to be met with your smile. The light shining down on him made his hair resemble your beloved fire-leaves even more and your heart skipped a beat as he returned that smile.

The wind picked up and made the trees rattle, creak and howl around you. Yet again you found it oddly comforting as the pair of you walked home hand in hand. The lamppost lit up your way creating a safe place within a glow, but despite that nothing felt more comforting than Sasori's cold hand entwining with yours. 

a prank bday gift for -Night-Stalker-

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