devil | Charlotte Katakuri

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General information:

Katakuri Charlotte (Dogtooth) x Male!Reader

warning(s): hurt&comfort - anxiety&depression

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns.

word count: 2243

song inspiration: Devil by Shinedown

other info: this work does not follow any plot in the anime, but it exists in the same universe. please note that this is also posted on my quotev and tumblr. this is not beta read, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes.


When Katakuri Charlotte opened his eyes after having woken up by the sun tickling him in his stitch littered face, he felt the way too familiar feeling fill up and bubble in his stomach. Glaring towards the heavy curtains who had let a tiny ray of light shine through, Katakuri bit down on his dry lip until he could taste the metallic flavour a bit too well. Yet he couldn’t make himself to leave the bed to close them completely. 

Ah, so it was one of those days.

All he wanted to do was to pull the heavy covers over his entire body and pretend as if he didn’t exist. Even if it was just for a couple of hours, minutes or seconds.

It hurt to think about his duties as the minister of flour, as a sweet general, as the second son and as the perfect son.

Katakuri rumbled with annoyance and wished nothing more than to sink into his huge bed and disappear. However, if he didn’t get out of bed someone was bound to knock on his door sooner or later.

Still, a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?

Nobody could deny him a few more minutes where he didn’t have to feel the lump in his stomach form into something more grotesque and gruesome.

Nobody could deny him a few more minutes without any heavy burdens weighing down his shoulders.

Nobody could deny him a few more minutes without having to put on a persona, where he didn’t have to hide himself and his own face from his family.

With a sigh and a huff, he grabbed the numbing duvet with his huge and calloused hand to pull it over himself in an attempt to disappear for a little while longer.

It didn’t feel right.

No matter what Katakuri did, he couldn’t get his hammering heart to slow down.


No use in counting his breath either. The rasping sound of his laboured breath from his parted lips as he inhaled and exhaled only made his heart wince in pain as if someone tightened barbed wire around it.

Anxiety weighed his chest down followed by a stinging pain in his skull.

Of course… Katakuri thought. Just what I needed, a migraine.

Another groan escaped his sharp-toothed mouth and as he closed his eyes in pure nausea the throbbing pain ebbed slowly but surely away.




Huffing in annoyance, Katakuri opened his eyes only to be met with your tall frame leaning over him and your face inches away from his own. If it hadn’t been for his eyes getting used to the light who now reached even the darkest and most dusty corners in his room, he could have taken in your flawless smooth (s/c) features and your amazing (e/c) eyes without you covering back in fear due to his intense stare.

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