you like me! | Oikawa Tooru

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General information:

warning(s): none

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns. the reader is also married to Oikawa

word count: 1526

other info: this work is not following the manga/anime, but it exists in the same universe just in a different future. please note that this is also posted on my quotev. this is not beta read, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes.


Humming some light tune under his breath, Oikawa Tooru opened the front door to the cosy house his husband and him were so lucky to call theirs. The smile painting his lips widened as he stepped into the warmth of his home, wanting to escape the cold spring wind this particular evening had to offer.

He had just got rid of a nasty flu and he did not want it to return that fast. He knew very well from past experience that you, his adorable and loving husband, would not like that one bit. Seeing Oikawa sick and bedridden was extremely frustrating to you and you felt, quote; ‘incredible helpless seeing Tooru in that awful state because you knew you couldn’t physically do anything to make him feel better’.

“[Male Name]?” Oikawa asked out loud when neither his husband or dog came to greet him at the entrance.

Shaking his head fondly, he concluded quickly that you were most likely asleep in your office upstairs after grading your Advanced English class’ essays. And [dog’s name], your cute mutt, could also be found sleeping somewhere. Oikawa guessed the bathroom because of the heating cables under the bathroom-tiles.

However, his mood didn’t falter when nobody acknowledged his homecoming, no it actually made his heart flutter at the thought of his adorable and dorky husband splayed out over your desk, ink and maybe some drool on your cheek from sleeping on your students’ essays.

Oikawa had to giggle some at that thought as he hung his grey wool coat up.

There was no doubt that you were going to whine about how much your back and neck ached later on. He knew he would reply with his usual snarky yet fond comment on how your bed existed for a reason. You would then pout to a certain extent and he’d roll his eyes and sigh in a fake manner before he would kiss your cheek with secret promises of massages after dinner.

You could be such a child when you wanted to, and Oikawa felt that it was his duty, husband or not, to tease you to a certain extent and of course, shower his spoiled brat of a husband with loving kisses.

As he proceeded to step into your living room and turning on the light out of habit, Oikawa’s eyes were instantly drawn to the colourful bundle placed carefully on your coffee table.

It was flowers.

Beautiful coloured and decorated flowers bound together into one huge bouquet.

Slipping off his shoulder bag, Oikawa immediately walked towards them only to hesitate a bit as he looked closer. No note seemed to be attached to the large bouquet and that confused him even more.

He couldn’t remember that you were supposed to have someone over today so he quickly ruled that possibility out of his mental list of reasons why.

There was no other pair of shoes in your entrance, so it couldn’t be someone who had popped by unless they had left before he had arrived, but then again none of your neighbours nor friends was known for being the flower giving types.

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