puppy love | 2p!America

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General information:

warning(s): language?? ooc??

reader info: the reader is gender neutral bc of the tumblr request

word count: 1448

other info: this was a request from my tumblr. it's also posted on my quotev and deviantart. this is not beta read, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes.


“If I knew that visiting the animal shelter had you this excited, this definitely would have been our first date, babe.”

Squeezing your boyfriend’s hand gently, but in a teasing manner, a playful smile spread over your lips. “Are you finally admitting that our first date was a disaster?”

Allen’s usual shit-eating grin was still present, but you saw his eyes twitch some at your comment. He was the man to never admit his mistakes nor acknowledge he was the one in the wrong.

“It wasn’t a bad date,” He pouted sulkily. You and Matt teased him about it constantly and now he couldn’t even walk past McDonald’s without getting a comment from his brother. It was true that it wasn’t the worst date in history, but you did not want to repeat it.

“Yeah whatever, Allen. Keep telling yourself that.” You chuckled. “If forcing yourself to eat a burger just to get on your date’s good side is something you’d like to do again, then I’m not stopping you.” Why Allen thought impressing you by eating meat was a good idea was a question unanswered. Him being a vegan and disliking the meat industry immensely made the whole ordeal bizarre and just stupid in your eyes. It probably had something with vegans and their shitty stereotypical representation and Allen not wanting to push his lifestyle up in your face on your first date. Though you felt just a tad flattered by how considerate Allen had been at that time, you still felt puzzled and pondered over how much he actually liked you from the very start to force himself to swallow meat (which he later threw up again).

This earned you a soft punch in your shoulder followed by a ‘fuck you’ and Allen pouting even more, but he didn’t let go of your hand once.

“But you’re right,” Allen turned his head towards you when he noticed you smiling at him. “I’m really excited, just imagine all of those cute and fluffy kittens and puppies!” You proceeded to squeal which made Allen’s smile widen.

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about getting a new dog ever since Rex was put down.” Squeezing his calloused and tan once more in a reassuring way, Allen squeezed back as if saying thank you. It was almost a year since Allen’s Doberman Rex was put down because of an illness in his heart muscle. [1] Allen who was an animal lover by heart and advocate for animals’ rights had taken it hard, however, you had been with him the entire time and helped him through it.

“And it feels right to do it now.” He smiled down at you, the snakebites in his lower lip moving as the lip stretched out.


The two of you arrived at the shelter minutes later, having made an appointment with the owner, Lutz, who was a friend of Allen’s, to come after closing time so you wouldn’t be disturbed.

Lutz was waiting for you inside and greeted you briefly before you were ushered into the kennel. “I don’t need other customers to think the shop’s still open.” He grumbled out an explanation in a thick German accent. “I’m just doing this because you asked me nicely, Allen.”

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