Chapter Ten

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I walk into school and start to feel people stare as I walk by in my long-sleeve burgundy bodysuit and new jeans that Harper got me. They're high waisted and have rips. My ass looks great as I walk past a trophy case and look at my reflection. I walk over to my friends that are waiting around until the bell rings that tells us to go to class. My friends compliment me and my outfit, like always, when I walk up to them.
We talk about our weekends, I censor mine though. I decide not to tell my friends about Harper, because of the age gap and not wanting them to tell the whole world. I tell them I spent the weekend procrastinating my homework and ended up just not doing it, which is true.
The bell rings and we all walk to our first periods. I walk into mine and get out my stuff, but before I can even sit down Barrett comes up to me and grabs my ass.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask the moment his hand touches my ass.
"Couldn't resist that ass, babe." He says and looks me up and down, biting his lip. "When are you going to let me fuck you again baby? Daddy's cock needs your ass."
"Barrett, I can't fuck anymore. I'm in a relationship, I think." I tell him, hopefully getting him to leave.
"You think? So it's new?" He asks.
"Well then you don't have an obligation to him. Come on, after school, my place. My parents are working late. We can be as loud as we want." With every sentence he gets closer to me and eventually has his hands on my ass again, with his body pressed against mine.
"I thought you were straight?" I say, teasingly. "Plus, I have plans later."
"Cancel them baby. Trust me, you won't regret it." He says and leans down to my ear, "I want to do things that you've never even thought of doing," he says and kisses the side of my neck. He goes back to his seat, and I realize the amount of people that have walked in since I last looked. Some of them were minding their own business, but most were watching me and Barrett.
I sit in my desk and try to brush off everyone's stares. Almost everyone eventually stops looking at me, except Barrett. His eyes are glued on me, and when I get up to throw away a gum wrapper I catch him taking a picture of me. I give him the death stare and he smirks in response. Soon after my phone dings a couple of times, once again, putting the attention on me.
"Mr. Davis, do I need to remind you about my phone policy?" Mr. Fox asks.
"No sir, sorry." I say and I turn my ringer off and look at who texted me. It was Barrett.

Barrett: What time are you coming over baby?

Barrett: [sent attachment]

Barrett: Or we could sneak out when the bell rings and you could suck this cock😉

I read his messages and watch the video he sent. It's a video of me walking to throw away my gum wrapper, but when I sit the camera pans down. I see Barrett rubbing his obviously hard dick through his shorts. I look up at him, since he sits across the room I see his boner through his shorts. He continues to rub it and I feel a chill run down my spine. I pay no more attention to Barrett for the rest of the period and the rest of the day.
Barrett's persistent texts a week or so before, and today's events makes me block and delete his number. I'm going to see how things with Harper work out, and if they don't workout, I have a screenshot of Barrett's number. I just hope Barrett takes the hint.


The final bell of the day rings and everyone crams the halls, trying to escape from the hell that is school. I walk outside and call Harper, and he almost immediately pics up.
"Hey where are you?" I ask.
"Hey babes, I'm in the parking lot. Close to the school, I'm in the black Lambo."
"Ok I'll be there in a minute."
I start walking towards the parking lot, looking for a black Lambo. It was pretty easy to spot it, since it was surrounded by Toyota's, Honda's, and a lot of other cars that weren't anywhere near as nice. I go to the car and open the door. Today Harper is the driver, which is unusual, but I prefer it so it's not so awkward with Andrew up front.
The moment I see him a smile comes across my face. I hop in the car and give him a kiss. He smiles and chuckles during the kiss making me laugh too.
"Well hello there, beautiful, I missed you too." He says and kisses me again. It wasn't until I saw Harper, that I realized just how much I missed him. I knew I wanted to see him again, but I didn't realize I was dying to see him. We had been talking and I was gonna spend the whole weekend at his place. We talked the night before, both of us agreeing that we still wanted to take things slow. Knowing myself and knowing that I didn't particularly like the word 'slow,' I shaved every inch of my body the night before.
"Hey handsome," I finally say in response to his greeting. We pull out of the school parking lot and head over to Emily's place where I grab my bag already packed for the weekend. Harper said that we were going to just stay home all weekend as long as it was ok with me, so I just packed some baggy crop tops, panties, and a hoodie. We head over to his house and the weekend is very... eventful, to say the least.

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