Chapter Two

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I wake up to the sound of glass shattering and voices screaming. I hear my mom, at the top of her lungs, "Get the fuck out! You no good son of a bitch!" I sit up and get out of bed. I still listen to what's going on. Jeremy's voice runs through the house, "No you worthless whore, this is my house now!" I then hear a thud and my room shakes. I know exactly what this means, either my mom has pinned Jeremy against the wall with a knife, or Jeremy has done the same to my mom. I don't find out which but instead call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My mom and her boyfriend are about to kill each other," I say. And I go through the usual question and eventually the woman finds out that this happens regularly. Not even five minutes later cop cars are in the driveway and are knocking on the door. I go downstairs and get through Jeremy and my mom, avoiding the shattered glass on the floor, and open the door knowing full well neither of them will.
The police come in and separate the two and get all three of our stories. I go through the ritual of telling the officer that I woke up because of the yelling and glass shattering. The officer nods, and then informs me that they will have to spend a couple nights in jail. This I knew would happen. I watch the officers put both of them in handcuffs and put them in separate cop cars. I close the door and go upstairs, deciding that I will spend the next couple of nights at Emily's. Emily is usually okay with me staying with her for as long as I need. So I get my purse and backpack and stuff them with clothes and just the everyday makeup that is essential. I leave and don't clean up the shatters of glass.
Driving off to Emily's house I call her and make sure that it is okay and she, of course, says yes. I pull into the parking lot of her apartment complex and just walk in, out of habit. After throwing my stuff down on her couch I go to her bedroom door and knock on it. "Come in," I hear her say. I walk over and plop down on the bed. "So that guy lasted all of two seconds before they almost killed each other." She shook her head in disgust at how immature the two were. Ranting to her I started to calm down, realizing that I would have the next four days without having to deal with my mother. After I am done with my therapy session I say, "So, how's your day been?"
"You know," she says, "the same, no shouting, no throwing glass, just woke up and laid here." She finishes and we both laugh.


The next four days go off without a hitch. I go to school and come back to Emily's house. Although, I've started to ignore the "straight" boy's booty calls and texts. Doing this has taken some serious willpower, and on the fifth day, the day my mother is supposed to come back, I decide to say fuck it and I sneak into the bathroom stall with a boy and we fuck, nothing spectacular I must say. I needed some stress relief, for I'm going to have to deal with the devil until the next time she goes in jail.
I go to Emily's apartment just to grab a few of my things and head back to my house. Walking through the door I remind myself to try and keep my cool so that I can keep what I have. "Well would you look here," I hear my mother's shrill voice. I look up and see that it isn't a bottle of vodka in hand, but a broom and dustpan instead. "I come home from my imprisonment that you gave to me, by the way, and there is still glass all over the fucking place! Thanks for nothing you piece of shit."
She finishes her words and I forget keeping my cool, "Bitch I didn't fucking put you in prison, you did it to yourself, drunk bitch!" I say and walk away. I don't get far before something hits my head and knock me to the ground. I get up and turn around and stomp towards her, but being only 5'3 and her being about three inches taller than me I can only how intimidating I didn't look. "What are you going to do? Hit me?" She says, laughing mockingly. "Look at the little fag! Trying to be scary! Oh my god I'm so scared!" She taunts me continuously.


"Then the next like hour was a blur," I say to Emily as we are laying in her bed eating Oreo's, "What I can remember is me slapping her, then pushing her out of my way so I could get to my room, then I remember her pushing my door down and yelling that I had to leave and that I had no car anymore. And that brings us to here, me in your apartment with two suitcases full of shit." I finish my story and take a bite of my Oreo and take a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling. "Emily what am I going to do? I'm sixteen I can't stay with you that's not right."
"Cooper, that is fucking ridiculous of course you can stay. I have been wanting you to stay here for quite sometime because of how bad it was getting over there." I look over at her and she looks at me, "Cooper I literally have a spare room, take it, you're my most frequent company and you come over everyday anyways." I look back up at the ceiling and thank the gods because I have been wanting to come and live with Emily for the longest time.
We stay up that night planning everything, we decide that if I am going to live here we can't tell the apartment management people that I am living here since I am underage. I will also have to get a job so that I can help Emily out. "Honestly though you always have the good food for me," I say and we laugh. The rest of the night is filled with plans for us living together.

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