Chapter Eight

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Sorry that this chapter is so long!!! I just wanted there to be a lot of detail and shit lol. I hope you enjoy!!

It was the night of my second date with Harper, and of course, I couldn't find anything to wear. I was in my room with Emily trying on every other thing in my wardrobe. I was about to give up hope and call Harper to cancel, but Emily came up with an idea. She went to her room and told me to wait. I looked at the time, it was seven forty-five, and I had about fifteen minutes before Harper was going to be here. I looked at the mess of clothes on my floor: five pairs of jeans, heels, blouses, crop tops, and so much more.
Emily came back and handed me some article of clothing. I didn't even look to see what it was. When I had it on she handed me a belt to put on my waist. I turned the mirror and gasped. It was a white jumpsuit that was tight in the body but the legs were loose. It was a little big in the chest since Emily has boobs, but I folded it into the belt making it look tighter.
"Put on that brown jacket," Emily ordered.
"Oh my god, you're a genius!" I exclaimed as I slipped on the retro jacket. I looked in the mirror and fell in love with the outfit. I try figuring out which shoes to wear and I look around my room. I spot one of my light pink heels from Nordstrom and put it on. I start to look around the room for the other. "Help me look for this shoe!" I say to Emily and we scour the whole room not able to find it.
"You want to put on another pair?" She asks and I shake my head, loving how the shoe paired with the outfit. I look at the time and Harper should be here any minute. We keep looking and I even step out in the hall looking and then I hear Emily scream "Found it!" I thank every higher power there may be and go back to my room.
"Where was it?"
"Really far back in your closet." She says and giggles. I grab the shoe from her and put it on, grabbing my black pocketbook and look in the mirror one last time, loving the outfit. I get close up and fix my hair, and touch up the little bit of makeup I have on. I hear a knock at the door and jump up, walking to the door.
"I don't know what time I'll be back, but I'll text you when I am," I say to Emily as I make sure I have everything.
"Ok, but please when you find out what restaurant you're going to please let me know. Just so I know you're safe." She says and gives me a hug.
"Don't worry, I will. You're gonna go to your room when I answer the door right?" I ask with my hand on the doorknob. She laughs and goes to her room. I let out a sigh, letting all my previous stress out.
I open the door and see Harper standing there, looking around at the other doors.
"Ah, this is the right apartment!" He says and smiles his devilishly handsome smile.
"Yeah, sorry I was running around getting ready." I say laughing a little.
He is wearing a gray suit with a navy blue tie that almost looks black. I look and notice that his beard is freshly trimmed and his hair was cut. His hair had more on top than the sides and back, but the sides had just the right amount on them.
"That's alright," he says, smiling still, and he hands me a rose, "for you, beautiful."
I blush and take the rose from him and take the cliché sniff of the rose that every girl in the movies does. I hate myself for doing it, but not knowing what else to do, and who doesn't love the smell of roses?
"Thank you," I say and stand on my tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. I grab his hand and step out of the apartment and close the door. We walk down the stairs of my apartment complex and out to Harper's car. He opens my door and before I sit down, I notice a bouquet of roses next to a present wrapped in tissue paper with a bow. I look up at Harper and give him a questioning look.
"Go ahead, babes, get in and open your gift," he says with a big smile on his face. I grab both the present and flowers and get in the car. Harper closes my door and comes in on the other side of the car. He came in and turned on the car light. The car started to move soon after he got in.
"Harper this is too much I-"
"Oh shush, beautiful, and open your present." He says and gestures to the box.
I sigh and start to unwrap the box to unveil a box. I was familiar with the box, it was the same one I got when I got the same when I ordered my crop top and shoes from Hart Apparel, Harper's brand. I opened the box and saw the jeans that I had said I wanted what felt like forever ago. They were regular high-waisted distressed black jeans, but there was something that I really liked about them.
"Sorry if they don't fit, I got size seven. I had to guess on your size, if they don't fit I'll take them back."
I smiled at him and gave him a short and sweet kiss on the lips. After I pulled away I held up the jeans and looked at the tag. He guessed correctly, size seven.
"Thank you so much, Harper." I give him another kiss, this one a little longer.
He pulled away and looked down at me, "Remember, if there's anything you want, let me know. I'll pamper you with whatever you want." He said and kissed me again, "That's the advantages of having a sugar daddy." I laughed and kept kissing him for another minute or so.
I pulled away and looked up at him, and just gazed into his deep green eyes. I had never seen eyes like his before. They were vibrant, kind, and seductive all at the same time.
"Where are you taking me tonight, Harper?" I say, since he still hasn't told me where we are going to eat. All I know is that it's in the city.
"I guess we'll have to wait and find out, gorgeous." He says with a chuckle, "We should be there in about ten minutes."
"Good, cause I'm starving."

Be a Good Kitten For Daddy (BxM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora