Chapter One

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The day started out as any other, waking up, hungover, in some boy's bed. I sat up looking at the time, it was 10:42 a.m., and it was Saturday. I got out of the boy's bed, I think his name is Andre, but I don't really know I was too drunk to learn it. I got up and grabbed my crop top along with my underwear and jeans and threw them all on. While doing so I heard Andre get up and he hustles out of bed. "Okay listen, fag," he says while pulling his pants up and buttoning them, "I only did you because my girlfriend said no so don't go saying that I'm gay."
I giggle at his words, "Don't feel special, you aren't the first guy that has fucked me that says they're straight," I say looking at him but he won't look at me, "and from experience, last night won't be your last time." I spit these last words at him and, grabbing my black leather purse, leave the room and slam the door. I walk around the house trying to remember the way I came in. I find the door and get out, getting into my car and driving off to my house.
I pull into the driveway to my house and walk in, immediately getting bombarded by my drunk mother with questions about where I was last night.
"Where the fuck were you faggot?" She asks with a half empty bottle of Pink Moscato wine. I roll my eyes start walking to my room. "Fuck no," she says and runs in front of me and blocks my way to my room, "you were out last night weren't you? Probably was the fag of the hour. You're the definition for a disgrace of a son." She says and pushes pass me. I take a deep breath and head to my bedroom. I walk in and close and lock the door, not wanting my mother or my dad of the month to come in.
I throw my purse on the bed and go into my bathroom. I take off all of my clothes and get into the shower. I wash off last nights makeup with the piping hot water and then the rest of my body. I turn the shower off and do my usual morning routine and throw on some sweatpants and a shirt. I look out of my window to see if my mom is still home and to my joyful surprise she isn't. Although, her boyfriend, if that is what you could call it, is still here. I take a deep breath and leave my room and go to the kitchen.
He, thankfully, isn't in the room and I start looking through the fridge and cabinets for something to eat. As I am looking I hear one of the doors from the hallway open and close. I sigh and pay no attention to it and continue with my business. Jeremy, the man of the hour walks in the kitchen, not shirt or pants, just boxers. "Hey fagboy," he says and walks over then grabbing my arm, "missed you last night." I pull away and say nothing. He sighs and grabs my waist, "Don't make this difficult." I push him away, saying nothing, and walk to my room. I lock the door, just in time before he is there banging on it. I dig through my purse, looking for my phone and text my best friend, Emily.

11:57 To: Emily

Hey can I come over I need to leave this place.

I sigh and lay on my bed as Jeremy bangs on my door calling me homophobic names and catcalling things I dare not to repeat. I soon get a text from Emily saying of course. I grab my purse and open my window, climbing out and going to my car. I drive to Emily's apartment as fast as possible wanting to get as far away from my mom as possible. I get to Emily's place and knock on the door. Emily is 18 and has her own place and we met in my freshmen year and have been irreparable since.
I walk into Emily's apartment and go to her kitchen, I grab a big bag of Cheetos and sit on her couch. "What a morning." I say, sighing and eating the Cheetos. She sits next to me and digs her hand in the bag as well, "Who was it today? Mom, boy, or Mom's boyfriend?"
"All three, but I literally don't even want to waste my breath on any of them," I say. She nods, knowing how bad my mother is, along with all her fuck buddies. We sit there talking about each others week, eating Cheetos, and talking about boys and the stupidity that is them.
"Literally though," I say, "they're fucking stupid. They want to fuck, but won't admit that they're at least bi or some shit. I'm honestly kind of done with boys. I kinda want a man." Emily laughs at the idea, but doesn't know just how serious I am. I play it off like I'm joking, but keep it in the back of my mind.


I leave Emily's house at around eleven at night and head to my car. I look at my phone and scroll the literal dozens of boys messaging me wanting to fuck. I scroll through them, knowing I want dick just not sure which I want. I end up picking a boy named Nicholas. I drive over to his house and tell him I'm here. He says the usual we need to be quiet because his parents are home.
He brings me into his house and we go to his room. He pushes me on the bed and everything is just a boring routine from there. I suck his dick, he fucks me, I ride him, and I swallow his cum. The same every time. We lie there, out of breath and sweaty. Then he says, "Just remember, I'm not gay." Something inside of me just ignites.
"Don't worry, I know." I say, "hey can I see your phone for a sec? I forgot mine in my car." He furrows his brow, but hands me his phone. I sit up, so he can't see the screen, but I then delete my number from his phone and then go into his history. I laugh, "Last time I checked, straight boys didn't watch gay porn." I say and get up, getting dressed. He jumps out of bed, "Listen here bitch!" He says through his teeth, "Your ass is not going to say a word about any of this!" Through all of this I am gathering everything of mine.
"Whatever, don't even think about trying to get my number from anyone, this, whatever this is, is fucking over!" I yell at him at the top of my lungs, hoping to wake his family up. I open and slam his bedroom door, and do the same with the front door. As I am leaving I look back and see that lights are getting turned on. I feel pleased with myself and drive to my house. I sneak in my open bedroom window and plop face down on my bed, falling asleep with my mind going a million miles an hour.

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