Chapter Thirteen

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Just a heads up: this chapter is fucking long as hell!

I open the door and for the fifth time in the past about a month and a half I see my mother's face. This time, it's at mine and Emily's apartment. Every time I open the door she gets a couple words out if I let her, before I close the door once again. The second time she managed to inform me she was sober, sixty days at that point. The fourth, she told me she wanted to make amends. Now, the fifth time, we stand there. Looking each other in the eye.
"Cooper... please, don't close the door, yet." She says, and I can hear the lump start to form in her throat.
"Ok, I won't," I respond.
"Thank you. First off, I want to say I'm so so so sorry for what I-"
"I'll keep the door open, but what I will not do is sit here a listen to your apologies. I am nowhere near ready to hear any of the bullshit you probably rehearsed. You have no idea how your actions affected me," I say all of this and soon I feel a lump form in my throat, but refuse to cry. "Mom... the moment I told you who I was, you never paid attention to me. The moment dad died, you took it out on me. You said I was the reason dad died, and you said it so much that I still believe it to this fucking day. I was twelve when he died, and you made me feel like I killed him. Don't even get me started on the numerous boyfriends you brought in, and would do and say to me. Then I would tell you what they did and you didn't give a fucking shit. So, mother, now I'm not going to give a fucking shit, for once in my goddamn life."
By this time I have tears streaming down my face. I slam the door and let out a wail/scream of a cry. Thankfully, Emily is at work and can't see or hear me. Images from the past four years run through my head: my father's funeral, when I felt his cold, dead hands. My mother coming home with her first boyfriend after my dad died. That first boyfriend coming into my room one night and trying to get into bed with me, but I screamed so my mom woke up. That was when she still believed me. Then my mother coming home drunk for the first time, and yelling at me, calling me names.
I went to my room and laid in my bed, pulling the blankets over my head and blocking out the light in my room. I cried myself into one of the deepest naps I had taken in awhile.


When I woke up I saw the outline of my door illuminated with the hallway light. I looked around and saw it was pitch dark outside my window. I looked at the time at my phone and it said 10:09 P.M. I groaned in frustration with myself, knowing I would now get no sleep tonight. The memories from earlier today flood my brain and I'm no longer frustrated with myself, I needed the nap after something like that.
I got out of bed and put on some shorts and one of Harper's hoodies. I walk out into the hallway and to the kitchen, hoping to get something to eat. I walk into the kitchen and see Emily's new boyfriend, Mason, cooking something on the stove with his back faced towards me.
"Hey, Mason, is Emily still up?" I ask him, which startles him.
"Oh hey Cooper, yeah she's up, she didn't want to wake you up."
"Ok I'm gonna go just say hey real quick cause I might be heading out." I say and his eyes widen, looking a little scared.
"Oh um... she isn't um..." It's this moment I realize that he's not wearing a shirt, just boxers, which makes me realize what he's trying to say.
"Don't worry, Mason, it wouldn't be the first time I saw her tits." I say and walk back to Emily's room and walk in. I see Emily laying in her bed, butt ass naked, tits and everything else out.
She looks up at me from her phone and looks disappointed, "You're not holding my grilled cheese sandwich, or the guy who I want to fuck me right now."
I cackle laughing, Emily not failing to make me feel better in any shitty situation; whether she knows about the situation or not.
"Yeah, sorry to disappoint, but I think I'm gonna text Harper and see if he's up. If he is I'm gonna go to his place and you guys can be as loud as you want." I smirk and she laughs.
"Trust me, we have been, you're just a deep ass sleeper." She says and we both bust out laughing. "But hey, are you ok? You almost never take naps, never mind ones that last at least four hours."
"My mom showed up again, but I took care of it." I said and rolled my eyes, "Don't worry, I don't think she'll come back for awhile after what I said."
"What did you say?"
"Just what I've been ranting to you for the past month or so. I'll tell you more tomorrow though cause it was a lot."
"Excuse me," I hear Mason say behind me, "I think there's only one of us that Emily actually wants to see her naked, plus I have her grilled cheese so she's gonna choose me for sure." I laugh and turn around and see Mason standing there with a tray that had a plate of grilled cheese on it. I liked Mason, he was sweet, funny, and cute in a dorky way. He was Emily's type one hundred percent. He was also chill with me living with her, and now was apparently chill on me walking in on her naked.
"I suppose I'll let you through," I say and giggle, I turn to Emily one more time, "I'll let you know when I'm leaving or not when I know."
I go back to my room and pick up my phone to text Harper. Before I can, I see I already have six messages from him.

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