Chapter Seven

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I wake up to headache that I can feel pounding in my eyes. I open my eyes and immediately close them again, hating how bright it is. I turn over and stuff my head in the pillow and wish I had not woken up so early. Or well, I thought it was early. I looked at my phone and to the contrary, it was eleven-thirty, good as time as any to get up. I rubbed my eyes and held my head as it was still pounding.
I walk out of my room and go to the medicine cabinet and grab the Advil and get two out. I pop them in my mouth and swallow. I go to the coffee pot and see that there's a fresh pot, I pour myself a cup and put some creamer in it. I walk back into my room and set my coffee on my side table, and lay down. I get on my phone and see that I got a text from an unsaved number, but I assumed it was Harper.

Harper: Hey babes, hope you're feeling alright, I had a great time last night. Hope you did too and we can get together again soon.

Me: I did too! I'm not feeling too bad, just a bit of a headache. Thank you again for dinner, can't wait for our next date😘

I send him the text and turn off my phone and sip on my coffee, just pondering on the events of last night...

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He tells me in the back his car on our way to my place. There's a barrier between us and the driver so he doesn't hear us.
"I must have something, with how much dick I get." I say unembarrassed and unapologetically. He throws his head back and laughs, making me laugh too.
"Seriously though, you took my breath away when I saw you." He says, slurring his words. He looks deep in my eyes, with street lights illuminating his face for a second and then leaving for another. I look up at him and he leans down to my ear, "You're fucking sexy, and I want to make you mine." He puts his hand on my inner thigh, making me gasp. "But I want to wait, baby, I want the first time... I want it to be special. I want you to want it so bad all you do is beg for more."
I giggle, "I think we're both very drunk." I say and pull back looking up at him. I cup his face and kiss his lips softly. His lips taste like wine and are softer than a baby's ass. Before we can do much more the car stops and there's a knock on the barrier as it slides down a tad. "We're here!"
"Alright thank you, Andrew." Harper responds, pulling away.
"Until next time," I say giving him another kiss but this time, rubbing my hand up his thigh and giving his bulge a slight squeeze. I've always loved being a tease.

I shake my head and smile, laughing at how much of a tease I am. My phone vibrates and it's another text from Harper.

Harper: Well if you're feeling up to it, we could go next week? I'll pick you up, go to the city for awhile?

Me: That sounds great, just let me know whatever time is good for you!

We finish setting up our date and continue to talk for awhile, before he says he has to get to work.

Harper: I've got to go, babes, I'll text ya later😘

Me: Ttyl!😚

I put my phone down and go out to the kitchen, making another cup of coffee. I walk past my room to Emily's and knock on the door. I hear her grant my entrance and I open the door and climb in bed with her.
"So how was your date?" She asks the minute I get settled.
"It was good, he's really nice. We have plans to go out again next week."
"He didn't seem like an old perv who was just trying to get in your pants?" She questioned, with a furrowed brow.
"No, the opposite actually. He said he wants to take things slow. Don't worry, if something seems suspicious I'll get out of there immediately." I tell Emily, trying my best to reassure her.
"Alright just don't get in trouble," she says. I tryna and convince Emily again that I'll be ok.
I leave her room to go and get something from the kitchen to eat. I look around and see that I don't want to risk burning the apartment down, so I decide to order pizza. I go to room to get my phone and before I unlock it, I notice that I have a text from Barrett:

Barrett: Hey babe I'm home alone for the weekend, wanna come over for awhile?

I contemplate whether or not I want to go. There's the part of me that could always go for a good fuck; on the other hand there's the part that doesn't want to, because of Harper. I really enjoyed myself last night, and was genuinely excited about our date next week. I decide to just make up some excuse to get out of it.

Me: Sorry I can't today, my friends and I are going to the mall.

Barrett: Can't you get out of it like always?

Me: Not today, sorry.

Barrett: That's fine, I can come to the mall and we can have a quickie in the bathroom?

Me: No, Barrett. I'm sorry but I can't today.

I roll my eyes at his persistent behavior. All the boys do it, they just can't take no for an answer.

Me: If you're really that horny, I know you probably saved those pics I sent, use those.

Barrett: They aren't the same baby, I want that ass.

I bite my lip, it's tempting. He's really good at literally everything. I cannot think of one thing that he does that doesn't please me. Then I think back to last night, and make my final decision. I'm not going over, I want to see where things with Harper go.

Me: Sorry I can't.

Barrett: Are you fucking serious? You literally hope on every other dick at school, and today you say no? To me? You better think of another answer next time.

I read the text and sit there, stunned. I've never heard anything like this from any other the guys I fuck when I say no. They usually ask for pics instead and move on.

Me: Is that a threat?

Barrett: Don't think of it as a threat, just a warning for next time.

I don't respond to the last text, but kept his number. Just wanting to be able to see if he's try to pull anything like that again.

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