Chapter Sixteen

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"Okay, babes. I won't talk to her or bring her in this house... again." Harper says, looking down at me with his big brown eyes. Me, still a little absentminded from telling my darkest secrets, did not fully comprehend what he was saying.
I tilt my head and look up in genuine disorientation, "Um... ok. Again? I'm confused."
He takes a breath, "Cooper, I'm sorry I didn't know what to do. She was constantly at my door, wondering where you were. Wondering who I was. Wondering who we were. I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor woman."
My brain processes what he's saying, making me even more confused. "So you talked to her?"
"Yes. I'm sorry I just was so confused and-"
"You talked to her?"
"You talked to her."
My body feels as if someone were running ice cubes down my backside, but at the same time it feels like someone is cooking my frontside.
Anger fills my body, the same anger that fills my body when I see my mother. I stand up and walk out of the kitchen. I start to walk up the stairs and hear Harper's voice behind me. However, what I hear is a muffled sound, as if my ears have cotton in them. I get to the top of the stairs and walk to Harper's room, gathering the little bit of stuff I have laying around on the floor.
His voice cuts finally through the cotton, "-sorry, please. Please let me explain myself."
"Explain?" I ask, fuming, "Explain how you didn't do the one thing I asked you to do?" My voice raises with every word, and is trembling, "We've only been dating for three months, Harper, if I can't trust you to do something I desperately begged you to do, how can I trust you in three years? All I needed was for you to give me time to trust you to talk to you about her, let alone even think about talking to her. Go ahead, explain."
"I know what I did was shitty. I even knew it was shitty when she was talking, but I just felt bad for the woman. I didn't know the story, she didn't even tell me the story. She said she couldn't remember more than half of it, because of her drinking. But Cooper, please hear me out, it didn't look good that a middle aged woman was showing up to my house every few days. I never told you how much she was doing it cause I didn't want to worry you, but it was a bit much.
"About two weeks ago I brought her in and she was here for, like, forty-five minutes, an hour tops. She just told me she's in rehab, wants to fix your relationship, and wants to be apart of your life. I didn't tell her about us, I told her that I'd tell you she stopped by and all that bullshit. I didn't feel good about it when she left, and I still hate myself for doing it. Just please, please babes, please don't go. Let's talk. Please."
He's looking down, again with those big brown eyes, and I almost fall into his gaze. Almost. "I'm sorry, Harper, I just need sometime to think." I say and walk towards the door. I open the door and he gently grabs my hand and starts to say something, but I take my hand away and put the cotton back in my ears, getting out of his house.


I walk into Emily's, thankfully quiet, apartment and go to the bathroom. I strip down and get into the shower, standing under the hot water, baptizing myself from this hell of a day. I wash my body and hair and start to feel the water cool down after being in the shower for about twenty minutes. I turn it to the absolute hottest setting , which is now just barley meeting how hot I like my showers. I let the rest of the hot water run its course on my body, until it becomes cold.
Drying myself down, I wrap a towel around my body, then grab a smaller one for my hair. I half-ass dry my hair while walking into my room. I lay in bed and look up at my ceiling, pondering on what to do.
I ponder on what my life would be like with Harper in it. I ponder on it without him. I ponder what my life would be like without my mom. I ponder on it with her. I ponder on it with neither of them.
I close my eyes and shake my head, feeling tears break the wall I've built. I let the wall fall and flood my face. Shock, sadness, and even more anger come through and fill my body. I let it out in bawling, punching my pillow, and screaming into the pillow. All of this makes room for something else; vengeance.
My evil side starts to fuel my blood and I think about how I can get back at Harper. I think and remember I have a screenshot of Barrett's phone number, for this exact situation. I go to my settings and to my blocked contacts, finding the number out of hundreds of others blocked, and unblock him.
Before I text him, I think again if I really want to do this. If I really want to jeopardize any chance that Harper and I have at making it past this. Then I think, did Harper think the same thing before talking to my mother? Probably. He did it anyway. My familiar, promiscuous, sexual being takes over my body and sends a text. Within minutes Barrett and I are talking, and within another, I'm in an Uber on my way to his house.


Hey guys! Thank you guys so much for letting me take some time to focus on school and all that stupid bullshit!


THANK YOU FOR OVER 10K READS!!! When I took a break, this book was at like 6k reads and somewhere around 50 votes, now it has 16k reads and 271 votes!!! That's so fucking crazy to me!!!!! Thank you guys for the support and stay tuned there's definitely more coming!

[PLEASE READ] If you're good at making book covers please hit me up! I kinda want to change this cover and just might have some more book ideas in the works! So please message me!!

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