Chapter Twelve

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Watching the door close in my mother's face is, in my opinion, one of my proudest moments. Watching the door close in my mother's face is, in my opinion, also one of my abrupt and irrational moments. I watch as my mother's tears running down her face are of happiness, turn to sadness. This, breaks my heart, but not as much as it thrills it.
I turn to Harper and see his confusion, but I reassure that it at the door, was in fact nothing.
"Don't worry, Harper, if she comes back, which she will, I'll take care of it. Just please promise me you won't try and listen to the conversation." I say and look up at him, "Please."
"Ok... but who wa-"
"Also, no questions... I know it's asking a lot. I just don't want this to ruin our weekend. Please." I say and I go and hug him around the neck. He picks me up so that I'm wrapped around his body.
He pulls his head back and looks at me, "Alright, babes, but you're going to have to make up for it... big time." He says and smirks, giving me a wink.
"Yeah? How about that shower?"
"I hope you're ready, it's gonna be... steamy." He says, smiling the biggest, goofiest smile at his stupid joke.
"Oh my fucking god, get out." I say and burst into laughter. "I'm not laughing at your joke, it's just your face after made me laugh." He let's out a low laugh and he carries me back up to the shower; and as much as I hate to admit it, Harper was right when he said things were gonna get steamy.


Harper and I lay in bed, watching tv, and the doorbell rings. I tell him I'll get it and put on a pair or panties and one of Harper's t-shirts and go to answer the door. My heart starts to race, hoping that I don't have to see my mother crying outside the door again. When I answer it I see the Chinese delivery guy, and I let out a sigh of relief.
"Hi, uh, large teriyaki chicken, two medium orders of lo mein, and four egg rolls. That'll be twenty-seven dollars and thirty-four cents." He reads off the receipt and I grab the thirty dollars on the table next to the door when you walk in. He hands me the bag of food and I close the door after saying a quick thank you.
I walk back up to Harper's room and shake the bag a little when I walk in. "Let's eat, I'm starving."
"I would think so, we've been working up an appetite," he says and winks. I roll my eyes and giggle, he wasn't wrong. Fucking four times within four hours was a good workout.
"Do you want to go downstairs and eat?" I ask, not knowing how he's feel about eating in bed.
"If you want, but we can stay up here too, I don't have a preference."
"Oh good, then let's stay up here." I say and hop in bed. I hand him his lo mein and put the teriyaki chicken between us since we're sharing. I hand him his bag of egg rolls and keep mine and we start feasting, and just talking. He gets up and goes to a mini fridge that I'm just noticing. He gets out two cans of soda and hands me one, thankfully, it's Pepsi and not Coke.
"So, Cooper," Harper says in between bites of chicken, "tell me more about you."
"What do you want to know?"
"I don't know, stories from your childhood I guess? I just want to know you more. Like where you got that scar from that's on your back?"
"Ooh well when I was six, some little bitch pushed me on the ground at the pool. There was a rock about the size of a bottle cap that got stuck in my back." I say and laugh, thinking it was funny how he wanted to know about that. No one had ever noticed, nor cared to ask, where I had gotten the scar from before.
"Damn, what a bitch. Did you have to get stitches?"
"Yeah like three, I think. I also have scars on my knuckles and one on my elbow from when I fell off my bike when I was nine. I wasn't wearing a helmet, like my dad told me, and I hit the curb." I say, again laughing and shaking my head.
"Wow, you were a smart one weren't you," he says jokingly and fake flinches when I give him a fake death stare. "Just kidding, babes," he leans over and gives me a peck on the lips, "you're brilliant."
"I don't know about brilliant, kinda seems like an understatement if you ask me," I shrug and smile as I hear Harper laugh his low and joyful laugh.
"The biggest understatement of the century." He says and winks. We continue eating and talking and we finish our food and come to our fortune cookies. I open my cookie and it reads:

Someone you deem underserving of a second chance, will come back into your life.

"Damn, this is just some cryptic bullshit about nature." Harper says, "What about yours?"
I look at it and roll my eyes, "Same, something about truth and nature," I say, crumbling up the small piece of paper.
We get back under the covers and start to cuddle, watching TV again. He has his arm wrapped around me and I'm laying on his bare body.
"Yes, Harper?"
"Is your mom going to show up at my house again?" He asks out of nowhere, making me sit up and look at him.
"How did you know she was my mom?"
"Please, I knew the moment I saw her. You have the same eyes and lips, her nose is a little bigger, but the same shape. It's ok if she does, I would just like to know if we are going to invite her in or not."
"I said no questions, Harper."
"I know, but I just want to be prepared if she does show up again."
"She will, I don't have a doubt about that, but she's not coming in." I say and lay back down in his arms.
"Are you sure, babes? She's your mom and if she needs somewhere to stay or anything I'd be ok with it." He says this and it makes me laugh, "What's funny?"
"It's just that, you're more maternal to her, than she ever was to me; and you've never met her." It really wasn't funny, it just made me realize how good hearted Harper was.
I looked up at him, "If she shows up again, she's not coming in, and please promise you won't talk to her if she does come again."
He sighs and nods, "I promise baby." He kisses my forehead and I lift my head to kiss him on the lips. We then proceed to have sex, for the fifth time today. I must say, as good as some of my previous fuck buddies were, I don't think one of them could hit the right spot every time.


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter!! I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for not 2 but 3k reads!!! That's crazy!! This book is growing faster and bigger than I thought! Let me know what you guys are thinking and what you think is gonna happen!!

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