Five || Skype

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Obviously, school called my mother and told her about the detention, claiming I was out of character and completely understood if it was for personal reasons and they were positive their favourite pupil would never step out of line again. I could hear the principal's voice deep and loud down the phone as my mom sat across from me. I knew it was a call from school instantly as her face dropped and she glared at me. All she said was "Really? Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! It won't happen again, I gurantee it... I apologise for the offence caused to your member of staff... I'm sorry, I shall address the matter with her right away... Okay, goodbye now." Then she hung up.

I felt goosebumps raise on my skin as she stared at me coldly. My stomach was somersaulting erratically as I stared down at my lap. "Detention, Ava? Would you care to explain?" She said in her quiet and calm voice, which scared me more than her angry, shouting voice.

"I don't have an explanation." I lied.

"Well you'd better think of one in the next five seconds, young lady." She said more sternly. I swallowed hard. My mouth was dry.

"I- I... Um, I don't know." I sighed.

"You don't know why you offended your teacher and humiliated your mother?" She asked.

"No." I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Neither do I. You're sixteen, for Christ's sake, Ava, not five! Get your act together! I want you to go to your room and think of an acceptable apology for your teacher." She ordered. I nodded my head and stood up obediently, heading towards the living room door. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She called after me.

"I'm sorry, mother. I promise it won't happen again." I apologised. She nodded in acknowledgment and let me go. I ran upstairs, tears of embarrassment and shame stinging my eyes. Then I threw myself onto my bed and just cried into my pillow. So many people got detentions every single day, but I'd never seen my mother so disappointed in me. And to make matters worse, at 16 years old, I still got sent to my room which was easily one of the most humiliating things ever. Stupid Hayes Grier. I disappointed my mother and teachers for him, and even lied to the most important person in my life to save his ass. For what? Just to prove a stupid point that didn't even matter? Why did I have to be born with my mom's competitive, stubborn traits? I'd only completed the first simple objective on the list and I already wanted out. But I couldn't give up now, the torture of seeing his smug face and proving him right was enough to motivate me to keep going, regardless of the consequences. I sighed, and wiped my eyes before pulling out my laptop and logging into Skype. I scrolled through my contacts and saw the green 'online' icon lit up next to my brother's name. I smiled to myself and called him.

"Hey, little sis!" He grinned.

"Cameronnnn!" I squealed excitedly.

"How are you, gorgeous?" He asked.

"I'm good, you?" I replied.

"I'm great! But I really miss you guys." He sighed.

"WE MISS YOU, AVA!" A familiar voice called.

"I MISS YOU TOO, NASH!" I chuckled. Why couldn't Hayes be sweet like his brother? "When are you guys coming back over to visit? I haven't seen you in like, three months!" I asked.

"Well, it was meant to be a surprise but we're coming over two weeks from this Saturday." Cam smiled.

"OH MY GOD, SERIOUSLY?!" I almost screamed.

"Ssshhh! Don't let mom hear!" Cam hissed, chuckling to himself. Then Nash's face appeared on the screen.

"You know what that means, Ava?" he asked.

"What does that mean, Nash?" I smirked.

"It means someone's gonna die of suffocation when I hug them too hard." He grinned.

"Oh, God, no." I groaned playfully.

"Excuse me girl? You need to be appreciative." He said in his girly voice, clapping his hands sassily as he spoke.

"Sorry, bae." I giggled.

"Nash, go away." Cam chuckled, shoving him off the screen.

"Wait..." I said, counting the days on my fingers. "So that means you'll get here two days before my birthday!" I grinned.

"Yup," He smirked, "Which means we can celebrate together and get drunk."

"I'm gonna be seventeen, not twenty-one, Cam." I chuckled.

"So? I drunk when I was your age, so did Sierra... Which mom doesn't know about so don't say anything, okay?" He winked. I giggled.

"So does Sierra know you're visiting?" I asked.

"Do you think I wouldn't tell my sister I'm flying over from LA to visit you guys?" He questioned.

"Well you weren't gonna tell me!" I pointed out.

"Yeah but Sierra's my twin sister, it's different." He smirked.

"Oh, so it's about favoritism, huh?" I chuckled.

"Weeell, she was born five years before you sooo..." He teased. I clutched my chest dramatically.

"Four years, eight months actually." I corrected him.

"Shut up!" He said rolling his eyes. "Anyways, what's my little sis been up to?" He asked.

"Not much. I got my first detention today." I shrugged.

"WOO! WAY TO GO, AVA!" He cheered and Nash joined in, jumping on the bed behind him and throwing pillows everywhere. I burst into a fit of laughter, giggling until tears ran down my cheeks and my stomach hurt.

When I calmed down and regained my breath, I spoke.

"I wish mom thought the same, she's so disappointed in me." I sighed.

"Don't worry about it, she was disappointed when I got my first detention but hey! I'm still her favourite child, right?" He shrugged.

The annoying thing was, Cam was her favourite child. He was such a momma's boy.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

"She'll get over it." He smiled.

"Anyways, what have you been doing over in sunny LA?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just soaking up the sun and driving around in my Range Rover." He winked.

"I hate you." I mumbled.

"Love you too, kiddo." He smirked.

"Dude, we gotta go, my dad's plane is landing soon." I heard Nash say in the background.

"Oh, shoot! I gotta go, Aves." Cameron sighed.

"It's fine, no biggie." I smiled.

"I'll call you later?" He suggested.

"Yeah, sure!" I shrugged.

"Okay, cool. Love you." He smiled.

"Love you too!" I replied.

"BYE, ROSE, I LOVE YOU!" Nash yelled.

"I LOVE YOU TOO, HAMILTON!" I giggled. Cam rolled his eyes.

"See you soon." He said, blowing me a kiss.

"See ya." I answered before he ended the call. I miss my brother.

*A/N Nash and Cam live in LA together but they're not international Vine stars or famous in any way, just best friends. Okay, bye hahahaha*

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