One || Disappointment

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Wednesday, May 4th, 2017

I combed through my hair, trying to get used to the feeling of my brush stopping just below my shoulder blades where my hair ended. I loved my new hair but it felt strange suddenly changing from waist-length to the ends reaching just above my breasts- well, whatever breast I have. Seriously, I'm 16 and only a C-cup. Most people say that's normal for a 16-year-old but it doesn't feel like it when all your friends are reaching double-D's! I was excited to show everyone my new hair since it wasn't planned and nobody knew about it. I'd been begging my mother for months to let me have it cut short as she'd made me have it long all my life, and yesterday she finally gave in and even let me have blonde ombre done too so my hair looked like chocolate on top and caramel at the bottom. I could see tears in her eyes as I smiled at her reflection in the mirror while she sat behind me, watching my long locks fall to the floor. To me it was just hair, but to her it was like expensive silk. I knew she liked my new hair- she told me herself- but I knew she preferred my old hair. I was glad to be rid of it! I kissed my mother on the cheek before leaving for school. I pretty much power-walked, eager to surprise my friends with my new look.

"Oh my God, Ava, your hair!" Heidi gasped.

"What, do I have something in it?" I asked jokingly.

"Yeah, hair dye! Oh my gosh, it looks great! You look great!" She grinned.

"Oh, stop, I'm blushing!" I giggled. I wasn't expecting such an enthusiastic reaction. Still, everyone knew Heidi Carpenter as the school's biggest drama queen. Then again, Kyle's reaction was almost as good as her's.

"Damn, A, you look hot!" He said, eyes wide. I punched his arm. "What?" He whined, rubbing his arm.

"One. I have a boyfriend. Two. Best friends aren't allowed to call each other hot. Three. I barely touched you!" I laughed.

"Shut up." He smirked.

"I can't wait for Jack to see." I smiled. They rolled their eyes. "What?" I asked.

"Ava, I don't know what you see in him!" Heidi sighed.

"Um, let me think. He's gorgeous, sweet, funny, kin-"

"He's a cheat!" She almost yelled.

"Ssh! Keep your voice down and your opinions to yourself!" I hissed. She just sighed and threw her hands up in defeat, shaking her head. Kyle coughed to break the awkward silence. A pang of guilt stung my chest. I knew Heidi was just looking out for me. I knew, like everyone else did that my boyfriend was a cheat- I'd seen it with my own eyes multiple times- but I didn't want to accept it because with acceptance comes heartbreak and with heartbreak comes sadness and I didn't wanna deal with any of it.

"Ava, baby!" Jack's voice called as he walked towards me, arms open.

"Speak of the devil." Heidi muttered. Kyle jabbed her in the ribs with his elbow. "Ouch, asshole!" She spat. He glared at her, which made her pipe down.

"Jack!" I grinned, running into his embrace. He lifted me up and kissed me softly. He hummed against my lips before pulling away.

"How's my favourite girl?" He asked, making my heart melt instantly. He could cheat on me with every female to ever walk the earth and I'd still go weak in the knees when he called me his 'favourite girl'.

"You sure she's your favourite?" Heidi mumbled. I looked over Jack's shoulder and pierced her eyes with the daggers in my own.

"Huh?" Jack asked as he turned his head to look at her, oblivious to what she meant.

"Nothing." She smiled sweetly.

"Just ignore her. I'm great, how are you?" I smiled, gazing up at him fondly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Better now you're here." He smirked. I watched Heidi mime his words in sync with him as he used the same line he always used. Kyle put his hand over her mouth and dragged her away by her arm, Heidi rolling her eyes all the while. God bless Kyle Wolfe.

"Aw, cutie." I grinned, pecking his lips.

"Yo, Gilinsky! You playing?" One of his friends called, spinning a soccer ball effortlessly on his finger.

"Yeah, man! I'll be there in a sec." He told him. "Gotta go, babe. Love you." He said quickly, kissing my cheek.

"Uh, Jack, do you notice anything different about me?" I asked, disappointed that he didn't spot it straight away.

"Uhh, I dunno, new shirt?" He asked, eager to go play soccer with his friends.

"No, my hair!" I told him, forcing a giggle.

"Oh, yeah. I liked it better before." He shrugged before catching up with his friends and leaving.

You know that feeling of pure disappointment where your heart feels like it's truly sinking? That's how I'd describe the way I felt at that moment. Heidi was right, my boyfriend was a complete asshole and I let him walk all over me. But I still loved him. Losing him would break my heart more that anything. I mean, he was funny, gorgeous, popular, smart. He was the captain of the soccer team, for Christ's sake! Pretty much every girl at school wanted him, and despite being almost 2 years younger than him, he wanted me. At least, I thought he did before I caught him kissing Hayley Dunn. But I let it slip, since he was so sweet to me. Then his kindness started to falter and now, every so often he'd say something that would hurt me, while he was oblivious to it. But being my gullible self, I convinced myself every time that he loved me and would never intentionally hurt me.

I sighed, feeling deflated and looked around for Kyle and Heidi. They were sat watching me from a nearby table, with that familiar look of sympathy. I gritted my teeth and wiped the disappointment from my face before approaching them. "You okay?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said casually. I didn't want their pity. I didn't want anyone's.

"No reason." He mumbled. The bell rang for registration- I was literally saved by the bell.

"See you guys later!" I smiled, turning and walking away. I was about 10 feet away before someone grabbed my arm. I spun round and discovered it was Heidi.

"You can deny it all you want, but I know you know he's a cheat and I know he upset you over there. You seriously need to break up with him, Ava, before he really breaks your heart." She whispered.

"What would you know?" I spat, yanking my arm out of her grip.

"I know I don't want my best friend to get hurt." She sighed. I looked at her, unable to think of a comeback. Then I threw my guard all the way back up.

"Yeah, well your best friend can look after herself." I said quietly, before walking away.

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