Sixteen || Boring

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Before I could react, Jack swung for Hayes, who ducked and hooked Jack right in the jaw on his way back up. Shit, no. Someone was going to get seriously hurt. Hayes was notorious for winning fights. But everyone knew Jack was strong. I feared for Jack's reputation if Hayes humiliated him with his knowledge of boxing, having a father who was a professional fighter in his younger years, holding multiple World and International Champion titles. Both Hayes and Nash knew how to fight properly- only, Nash knew to use his ability just for self-defence, whereas Hayes, on the other hand, abused his skill.

Jack shook his head a little as the shock registered. The pain I imagined to only be described as searing seemed to spur him on more as he aimed for Hayes' stomach, and missed once again as Hayes dodged his punch and returned the favour to Jack's cheek whilst he was off- guard. I could sense my boyfriend's adrenaline pumping as his anger intensified. His rage earned him a clean jab to Hayes' nose, causing it to bleed almost immediately.

I couldn't bare to stand there and let my boyfriend and my enemy entertain everyone. I ran into the circle and stood between them both, gently trying to hold Jack back, my palms flat against his chest. "Stop!" I pleaded. He looked at me, but he wasn't seeing me. He shoved me to the side, causing me to trip and almost fall which earned an ooh from the 'audience'. No one bothered to ask if I was actually okay. I felt my face flush with embarrassment.

"You think you're tough pushing a girl, huh?!" Hayes growled,  surprising me.

"She's my girlfriend, I'll do whatever the fuck I want, jackass." Jack spat back. Admittedly, my previous feelings on the situation had quickly altered to hoping Hayes would beat the shit out of Jack. It seemed that my worst enemy cared more for me than my own boyfriend. Still, it was in the heat of the moment. Jack would never do it on purpose, I couldn't blame him. I would've probably reacted the same if I was in the middle of a fight. It was stupid of me to try to stop them. There must've been a reasonable explanation for it. I mean, of course violence is not the answer but I knew Hayes was very skilled in the department of pissing people off. What was I thinking, hoping my boyfriend would get beaten up?

It's weird because Hayes was a complete asshole but everybody loved him. Still, I've never seen him hate anybody other than Jack and I, so maybe that's why only my boyfriend and I seem to share the same feeling. All of a sudden, I was snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Logan rush in to pull Hayes away from Jack whom I hadn't realised was on the floor beneath him, clutching his nose. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice my own boyfriend get the shit beaten out of him. What kind of girlfriend was I? I felt disgusted in myself as I rushed over and knelt beside him, asking over and over if he was okay. He was a little dazed and had to blink a few times to clarify his vision.

"I'm fine." He answered finally, brushing me off. I tried to help him to his feet but he yanked his arm out of my grip. "I can get up myself, Ava, I'm not a baby." He snapped. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, resisting the urge to make a comeback about how he just got his ass whooped. "This isn't over, asshole!" Jack yelled at Hayes who flipped him off without turning around as he was marched in the opposite direction by Logan and Riley. As the crowd began to dwindle, I calmed my anger and regained sympathy for my poor boyfriend.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked sweetly. I hated using the word 'baby' in that sense- I found it so cheesy, but Jack liked it so it became our pet name for each other.

"Nothing, okay?" He spat. I stepped back a little, bewildered. I wished he was still the way he used to be. A few months ago, he'd had another fight with some other kid, and afterwards when I asked him if he was okay, he wrapped his arms around me in a big bear hug, and kissed my head and whispered in my hair that he was okay and then he told me he loved me for the first time. I thought those days would never end. Heidi always said he was sweet to me to get into my pants, but honestly, I think he really loved me. 

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