Twenty-Two || Chic

409 17 10

Wednesday, May 25th 2017

"And then I just ignored his message, I was so pissed off, Heids." I sighed, pushing my messy hair back.

"What an asshole. It's like he has, y'know... Issues." She said, and I knew she was pointing to her head even though I couldn't see her.

"I don't know, maybe he does. It was a silly argument over a dumb relationship when we were thirteen, I don't see why he has to drag the whole thing out for so long."

"Maybe he's mad at you for something else. Or maybe he's too scared to admit his undying love for you." She teased. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Buuut, on a lighter note- Riley's party."

"What about it?"

"Do you have plans on Friday?"

"Well, no but-"

"Well, bitch, you do now!" She interrupted me. I didn't really want to go but I knew there was no use arguing with her. Heidi made my decisions for me.

"I don't have anything to wear." I said, just as I received another phone call. "Hang on, Jack's calling me." I told her, before putting her on hold and answering his call, my stomach churning.


"Do you happen to know anything about what the fuck happened to my room last night?" He asked in a calm, but very pissed off tone.

"What do you mean? Are you okay?" I bluffed.

"Oh- Uh, yeah." He said, sounding surprised by my seemingly innocent tone. "Just some asshole broke into my house and fucked up my room."

"Oh my God! What happened?" I asked in pretend shock. Heidi wasn't the only one good at drama around here.

"They messed up my stuff and spray painted something about being a cheat on my wall, which you know I wouldn't do, obviously." He said with an awkward chuckle.

"Obviously." I said through gritted teeth. "Why would I know about that? Should I have any reason to believe it's true?"

"No, of course not! I just told you I'd never cheat on you, Ava." His voice was so genuine, so believable that I wanted to forget the underwear and every time I'd caught him kissing other girls.

"Right." Was the only word I could muster, afraid if I talked anymore he could detect the sound of the lump growing in my throat.

"Okay," He sighed, "Well, I guess I'll just have to get a decorator in, I haven't got time to cover this shit up myself." There he was, showing off how rich he was, as per usual.

"Okay, bye."

"I love y-" I hung up before he could finish his sentence.

"About time!" Heidi groaned.

"Sorry, he was asking about last night. I've totally got him fooled." I chuckled, feeling better now I knew I wouldn't get into any trouble.

"Good, asshole. I wanna say I told you so but..." She sighed dramatically.

"You just did, idiot." I said with yet another roll of my eyes.

"So, about Friday... We're going shopping."


"Now, get your shit together, I'm coming for you." She said sternly.

"Heidi, I haven't even started to get ready, I'm still in bed!" I whined.

"Then, bish, get yo' ass outta bed and get ready 'cause I ain't playin'. I'm comin' right now and when I get there you better be ready by the time I counta three, you feel me?" She said in her best ebonic voice, snapping her fingers in all the appropriate places.

"God, fine! I gotta go then, see you soon, you bitch." I groaned.

"A'ight, I'm out." She said before hanging up. I shook my head and laughed. Then I jumped into supersonic mode and got ready, making no effort to look good as I brushed my teeth, washed my face and applied minimal makeup after throwing on a grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans with black Vans. I quickly tugged a brush through my hair and made my bed before unlocking my safe and taking out $50. I put the money in my black leather purse and hung the strap over my shoulder, then headed downstairs to grab a croissant and say good morning to my parents whilst my siblings were still in bed.

"Where're you going, honey?" Mother asked, brightly. She'd been so much happier since dad came home, they were still so in love with each other. I hoped to find someone to be like that with one day. It was just a shame dad was leaving in 4 days.

"I'm going to the mall with Heidi, she'll be here soon. I'll see you later, love you." I said, kissing them both on the head and walking out the door. Less than a minute later, she pulled up outside my house, blasting 'Rape Me' by Nirvana out the windows. We bonded well over our shared taste in music. That's right, despite the fact I was 'a goody two-shoes' and 'totally innocent' according to Hayes, I liked to listen to songs about psychopaths, alcoholics, drug addicts, murder, sacrifice and the Devil. Lovely.

I climbed into the passenger seat and offered her a bite of my croissant, which- to no surprise- she accepted generously, taking a huge bite out of it. "Hey!" I said, swatting her away before she could eat the whole thing. She laughed and winked at me as she chewed it smugly. "Asshole." I muttered to myself as I finished off what was left of my breakfast.

"What do you wanna buy?" She asked, her mouth still full of pastry.

"I don't know, you know I don't go to parties, Heidi. You'll have to decide for me. But don't make it too provocative, please." I sighed, knowing her style was to emphasise her gorgeous figure with revealing outfits. She made sure she looked classy though, and she ensured they were only cut out in the appropriate places. I didn't quite match her standard, although she often told me it was the other way round, but I think she just said that to make me feel better about myself.

We spent the rest of the journey singing along to the music at the top of our lungs. Neither of us could sing which made it 10 times funnier. We pulled up in the mall parking lot and headed inside. We tried 382647 different stores and Heidi purchased pretty much a whole wardrobe of clothes whilst I was left empty handed, unable to find anything I liked.

"Come on, Ava. There's gotta be something around here for you! You're too picky!" Heidi groaned.

"Let's try in here." I sighed, pointing to a pretty little boutique called 'Chic'.

"Ooh, I think I'm gonna like it in here." Heidi giggled. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I walked into the store, mentally praying I'd find something in there. It seemed as if my prayers had been instantly answered as my eyes immediately focused on a cute peach bandage dress at the other side of the store.

I rushed over to it and picked it up to examine it. It was cut out at the waist on both sides and had thin spaghetti straps with a slight low-cut at the front for my chest. "Heidi, quick! Look at this one!" I called. She scurried over excitedly and her jaw dropped as she saw the dress. Without a word she shoved me towards the changing rooms. "Okay, okay, I'm going! Jeez!" I sighed.

I quickly took off my clothes and slipped the dress on. It slid on so easily and suddenly, every curve of my body was emphasised by the soft peach fabric. It ended halfway down my thighs and had a mesh strip that went around the whole dress near the bottom. Even my boobs looked good, it pushed them up a little so I looked as developed as the rest of the girls at my school for once. I loved the dress. I pulled back the curtain and as soon as Heidi saw me, I swear her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head.

"Girls are gonna turn lesbian for you, I shit you not. You do your hair and makeup and- holy fucking shit- you're gonna look bomb. Buy it now." She said sternly. I beamed at her happily, glad I finally agreed with her opinion. I checked the price tag and discovered the dress was only $20.

"Must be on sale, surely." I said, amazed.

"Who cares? Just get the damn dress, Aves, we've still got to get your shoes yet!" Heidi demanded excitedly. I quickly got re-dressed and bought the dress. Then, with $30 to spare, we continued our hunt for the perfect shoes. I left the mall around an hour later with simple but gorgeous white platform heels and even some gold bangles with a matching necklace. Trust me, Davidson Day house parties were not casual, you had to really make the effort.

So that's exactly what Heidi and I did.

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