Seventeen || Perfume

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"What's wrong, Jack?" I asked oh-so-innocently. He quickly shook his head and snapped out of it.

"God, the things I'd do to you." He sighed, taking his bottom lip under his teeth.

"Like what?" I asked sweetly, leaning against the wall with one leg crossed in front of the other, my head tilted sideways. I was trying to be effortlessly sexy whilst simultaneously mentally praying I wouldn't fall in those damned heels. A second later I felt his warm hands on my waist.

"Like this," He stroked my hips with his fingertips before sliding his hands to the back of my bare thighs and lifting me. I let out a small yelp followed by a giggle as he carried me to the kitchen. I wondered why he was taking me there until he placed me on the island, leaving me at the perfect height above him as he stood between my legs. "And this." He continued, kissing my neck, slowly making his way to my chest where he delicately pressed his lips to my skin. I leaned my head back and sighed. Then I realised I was supposed to tease him, not give in to his tempting kisses. I gently pushed him away with my hand and hopped off the counter, walking towards the doorway. I gestured with my finger for him to follow me and smirked as I led an obedient Jack to his bedroom.

It smelled a little sweet, like faint perfume but I ignored it, too focused on the two of us. I pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. His stands stroked my sides but I prised them off my hips and placed them by his sides, shaking my head.

"Nah-ah-ah." I declined, wanting to play around with him a little longer. He sighed deeply and his beautiful jawline tensed. I sucked in the whole of my bottom lip, trying to resist kissing him. He was trying to play me at my own game. I decided to take it up a few notches, standing up from the bed and relieving myself of the sparse clothing I had on whilst denying him permission to touch me.

He was breathing deeply in frustration until he couldn't handle it any longer and lost all self control, grabbing and kissing me as he removed his own clothes with my help. We dissolved into an uncontrollably aroused mess and then, for the first time in so long, we had amazing, exciting sex. I don't want go into detail about that, it was too heated to remember it all exactly the way it was and I wouldn't want to recount it in any other way than it was. All I can say is it was perfect and exactly what our relationship needed.

We laid there, panting, sweating, our limbs entangled in the sheets and each other. "Wow." We breathed simultaneously, laughing as we childishly said, "Jinx!" and fist pumped. It was like we were back at the beginning of our relationship, when we were best friends too.

"I miss this." I said softly, playing with his fingers.

"Me too, babe. Me too." He sighed. I laid my head on his chest and looked out the window. As I looked down to the radiator, I saw something blue underneath it on the floor: blue underwear. They weren't mine. That explained the perfume.

My heart sunk and I squeezed my eyes shut, blocking the tears that were already threatening to spill over in just seconds. My throat ached as I held my sobs inside. It was the worst kind of crying. The kind where you had to cover your mouth so no one could hear you and keep your eyes shut to hide your sorrow. Jack stroked my back, unaware that I was silently crying on his chest because he had broken my heart once again. I breathed out shakily.

"You okay, baby?" He asked softly.

"Yeah," I lied, my throat sticky with tears, "Just tired."

"Go to sleep, beautiful." My heart broke a little more- which I didn't think could be possible- when he called me beautiful. How many other girls did he use that line on? I pretended to sleep until I felt his hand become heavy on my back and his breaths became deeper. Then I slid out of his embrace and slipped my underwear back on, then my coat, then my shoes and then I left without saying goodbye. What was a perfect hour of love and passion became an hour of pure bullshit- nothing more and nothing less.

I headed home, and hopped straight into the shower, scrubbing at my body to remove any trace of Jack. My skin was red raw and still, I could feel his fingers on my skin and his breath on my neck and no matter how much I lathered my body in soap, I couldn't get rid of him. I slid down the wall and tucked my knees into my chest, burying my face in my hands as the water hit my back, making it tingle.

I couldn't be sure what was my tears and what was the water, and I didn't want to know either. I just wanted to cry and cry until my eyes were dry. But instead of feeling sorry for myself, I got out of that shower, put on a tank top and shorts and went to bed early that night.

*Hey, guys! I'm so sorry I took so long to update, I've been super busy lately and I've just really struggled to find time to write between schoolwork and stuff but I promise I'll update a lot more often now. Also I'm kinda disappointed with how this chapter went because it's really short and just a crappy filler in all honesty, but it will get better soon:-)*


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