Twenty-Seven || Reversing Roles

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"You. Look. Awful." Heidi sighed before handing me the strong coffee I requested and slumping onto the couch beside me.

"Gee, thanks for the confidence boost, pal." I groaned. I took a sip of the coffee that I should've known would be too hot and felt the tip of my tongue tingle painfully as I burnt it. I fanned my mouth with my hand as if it would make a difference, but in reality I looked like I belonged in a psychiatric unit. I didn't even want to imagine the size of the bags under my eyes or the shade of purple they were. Instead, I blew the coffee in an attempt to cool it down whilst Heidi picked at her nail polish and began blabbing on about something to do with Riley the previous night. I tuned out and stared at the sticker decal on the living room wall. It was one of those stereotypical ones that you'd seen in at least 7 different homes, which read:

Live, Laugh, Love

If only it was that simple.

"Are you even listening to me, Ava?"

"What? Mm. M-hmm, yeah."

"What did I just say?"

"How much you love Riley and wanna fuck hi-"

"What? No!"

"So you don't wanna fuck him?"

"Well, yes- no! I- stop putting words in my mouth, Ava!"

"Why? Is your mouth specially reserved for Riley's dick?" She stared at me for a moment, her eyes narrowing then widening again- utterly dumbfounded.

"That's it- I'm done with this conversation." She stood up and went to the kitchen. I heard the sound of cupboards opening and closing, and then the sweet sound of cereals being poured into bowls. Two bowls if I heard correctly. I smirked to myself before Heidi returned moments later, with two bowls of 'Cap'n Crunch'.

"Err-mah-gerd, love you bae."

"Shut up and eat your fuckin' Cap'n Crunch."

"Conceal all that shit, girl." Heidi said in her typical-black-girl voice, clapping her hands in rhythm with her words. I smeared concealer under my eyes in an attempt to cover the bags and ended up unsuccessful. I sighed and threw it back into my makeup bag before filtering through it to find my foundation, eyeliner, bronzer, highlighter and mascara. I applied simple contour, subtly defining my cheekbones and forehead.

"Cook. It." Heidi said sassily, referring to the highlighter I was allowing to set for a few moments. As I began to brush it off, she mumbled, "Brush that shit off... Like all yo' niggas."

"Okay, Heidi sweetie, for the last time, you are not Bretman Rock." I sighed. She gasped in horror and clutched her chest, looking at me in shock and disgust.

"Bitch, I might be." I just shook my head and Heidi quietened down, unlocking her phone and occupying herself with that. I continued with my makeup, brushing my skin until I was happy with my contour. Then, as I picked up my eyeliner, I heard a voice say, "Okay, so now that you got everything blen-ded, you wanna move onto-"

"I'm gonna give you one chance to shut the fuck up." I said quietly, closing my eyes and holding up my index finger. Being the extremely mature young lady she was, Heidi blew me a raspberry in response to my threat. I connected my phone to her speaker and let 'Happy Song' by Bring Me The Horizon blare out. Her parents didn't care. In fact, 80% of the time, they'd run into the room and rock out whilst Heidi and I would watch in amazement.

After I'd burnt off my eyelids from wiping off and reapplying eyeliner so many times, I added mascara and filled in my eyebrows where I had patches missing. My brows may have looked like they'd had mini goats grazing in them, but in all honesty, they truly were just shitty.

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