Real Life

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It's been about a month or so since I've last been on social media. I've gotten so many DM's, comments on old pictures, tagged in plenty of posts, and calls, FaceTimes, and texts from my friends and family. I guess you can say I went MIA. I wasn't even at my house. I had rented a hotel room and been staying there the past month. I packed up and left while the trio was out, I didn't even leave a note or anything. But I missed home and it was finally time to go back.

I finished cleaning my room and putting the rest of my clothes in my bag and sat down because you know pregnant women, they can't do anything for more than 10 minutes actually better yet 5 minutes without needing a break. As soon as I got into my car I can instantly tell I was going to regret what was coming my way. Hugs, tears, pep talks, very angry friends, and most likely yelling. I drove the half hour back to my house and when I reached the driveway I saw a car I was hoping NOT to see. It was Ethan's.

What the hell is he doing here? Why is he with my friends? Did they trade me out? So many questions and thoughts went through my head as I put my vehicle in park. I stepped out lightly closing my door and made my way to the front of the house.
"Ok, here goes nothing." I walked in and all eyes were on me. Anthony was the first one up and latched on to me, leading with Lexi, xepher, and the one and only Ethan Cutkosky.

"Where the HELL have you been" Anthony yelled after detaching himself from me.
S: don't worry I was just at a hotel geeze
L: you said you were taking a break from social media, not from us to!
X: seriously Sophia how selfish could you be.
S: I- I- I didn't mean to hurt you guys, i j-just needed time to myself.
A: why didn't you tell us where you were?
Ooo the middle name, I was in for a loooooooong night.
S: I don't wanna talk about it okay, I left I came back, I'm safe, my baby's safe, were all safe okay!

The fight continued for hours upon hours. Ethan barely said anything. I was still so curious on why he was here so I decided to ask.
S: and what is he even doing here. Anthony last I knew you hated him!
The room got quite. So quite you could here a pen drop from the house next door. All 4 of them looked at each other and back at me. I've had enough. I got up went upstairs and started unpacking my bags. Xepher followed me upstairs but I wanted nothing to do with them at this moment. Not even Anthony, and that's saying something. I locked myself in my room and sat at the desk crying hoping life would get easier, somehow, someday.

*knock knock*
I looked at my door and yelled for them to go away but that didn't do anything because the person kept knocking. I got up unlocked the door and who I saw in front of me shocked me.

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