Real Life

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Ok guys I'm going to be skipping ahead a few months because I honestly don't know where this story is going I know it's short but I might end it soon I don't know...
*5 months later*
Ethan and I have been in a relationship for a little over 5 months now. It sometimes gets stressful with his work and my school but school just ended and I now only have a year left. But he moved in with my friends and I so I get to se whom every night.

Honestly I couldn't have asked for anything better. Although I have been feeling kind of sick lately. I don't really think much of it because I get sick quite often. But today it's gotten to the point where I have to go see a doctor. Because it's been happening everyday for the past month. So I called and made an appointment for 11:00.

I finish studying for the day and decide to get in the shower noting that it's almost 10:45. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom and wait for the water to get hot. After my shower I brush my hair and teeth. I'm currently sitting on my sink applying some makeup that way my tiredness doesn't sleep through.

My alarm went off telling me that I had to leave right this moment. I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door making sure to lock it. When I got in my car I started the engine and started to feel sick again, but it went away. Could always just be cramps who knows... I drive to the doctors office and check in and it was like almost immediately that I got called back.

"Hi, I am doctor Mendez. So we're here today because of an on going stomach ache?" My doctor says politely.
"Uh, yeah. In the past I would get sick very easily so I'm guessing it's just that or my acid reflex is acting up but it's been happening for like a month and a half now."
"Ok. Have you had your period lately?"
As I think back to if I had my period or not I realized it hasn't came since I started to get sick. And that can only mean one thing.
"Uhh. N-No."
"Ok. Well we will get an ultrasound ready and be right in." She smiled and left the room for me to panic. She came back the 5 minutes later after taking my chart out.
"Okay, so this is gonna be a little cold. Can you life your shirt up for me?" I lifted my shirt up and tucked it under my sports bra as she put the cold gel on the bottom of my stomach. As she moved the wand around she started to smile bigger and bigger.
"Okay, ms. grey you see that?" She points to the screen. I nod knowing what she about to say.
"That is your baby. Congratulations you are pregnant." My eyes water. I don't know if it's tears or joy or of me being scared, or a little bit of both. She took a quick picture and wiped the gel off of my stomach as I sat up and pulled my shirt down. She gave me a printed out picture of my baby and discharged me.

How am I going to tell ethan. Would he be mad and leave me. Would he tell me to get an abortion. Would he stay and help me raise our kid. Who knows but I had to tell him and I had the perfect way of doing it.

I got in my car and went to the drug store and got 2 pregnancy tests. Even though it has been doctors approved it's part of my plan. How could I not seen this coming. I mean for god sakes I'm going to be a pediatric nurse. After I bought the pregnancy tests and some water I rushed home to set up

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