Real life

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It was the next day. The day I went to hang out with Brielle. She seemed like a nice person but with a bad perspective with somethings. I was getting ready until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and liquid running down my legs. I thought I had an accident but when I looked down it was a lot more water then a person can possibly pee. My water had broken and I was screaming in fear and in pain. Anthony, Lexi, xepher, and Ethan came barging in and seen the puddle of water. With that everyone was scattered, Ethan was getting me to the car, Anthony was get the hospital bag, lexi and xepher were just running around not knowing what to do. Everything settled down except the contractions. Ethan drove as fast as he possibly could to get to the hospital he even almost got pulled over.

We got to the hospital and it was packed. Ethan went to the administration desk and told him that I was having a baby and like four or five nurses came to me and walked me to an elevator. We got to the third floor and they walked me to a room and asked if there was anything I needed. I wanted an epidural but they had to see how dialated I was before that could happen, because if your to far dialated you can't get the epidural. It felt like hours before the doctor came in but in reality it was like 10 minutes. He checked to see how far I was and thank fucking god I was able to get the epidural done.

An hour flew by after I had the epidural. I felt no pain which was awesome because a tiny human being was making its way out of my body.

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