Real Life

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*4 months later (I'm to lazy to continue with them first meeting sorry, also idk where exactly Ethan lives so I am just gonna say he lives is LA okay. Okay.)*
Sophia's Pov
So, me and Ethan have been talking a lot more. And by a lot I mean like everyday. Today I'm moving to California. Not to be like stalker-ish but it's just something I've always wanted to do and I finally have enough money to do it. I'm going to finish college there since I still have a lot more to do. Since started two years ago when I graduated (yes I graduated at 17) I started practically right after that so I only have like 2-3 years left depending on where I stand.

I have all my things packed and moved in the moving truck thingy and some of my things that I will need like clothes and hygiene products until the truck gets to my house packed in my car.

"Okay honey are you ready? Is that everything." My mom said as she came walking out the door. I turned around and replied with a simple "I think so." She gives me a hug waves goodbye as she watches me get into my car. Xepher, Anthony and Lexi are moving with me so xepher was already in the car
while Toni and lex are in Toni's car. We drive off and thus begins our journey to California.

*later that day*

We are about 8 hours into our drive and we've managed to stop on twice. This is gonna be a long few days. Yes I said days, depending on how much we stop, although we did just get out of Pennsylvania. You see I'm not like the other three, I can hold off on going to the bathroom for a while and I can drive throughout the night not needing any sleep till the next morning. That's when xepher and i decided we would switch out on driving.

*okay we're gonna skip to when there in California because why the hell not lol*

We've finally arrived at our new place an hour ago. We all live together which is amazing because there my family. I decided to go to sleep because I've been in the car to much lately and I can't handle anymore daylight right now.

*later that day*

I was awaken from my sleep by someone calling my phone, and I knew exactly who it was because nobody else calls my phone. I answer it and hear a girl speaking, I immediately look at the caller ID and it was Ethan so why does a girl have his phone?

*pretend like there's a random freaking girl and since the main character is Brielle we'll pretend she looks like someone else I'm sorry this just popped in my head I wanna make this story interesting okay stop judging me lol also your italics he's bold*

Who is this?
My name is Brielle who's this.

*stoooop judging meeeeeeeeeee I'm sorrrrrrrry*

Sophia? Why do you have Ethan's phone. Where is he?
Well I have his phone because as a girlfriend you have to build trust. And so that means I have his password to his phone and yeah here we are. Now who are you
I just told you my names sophia
No like why do you have his phone number.
Because he's aloud to have female friends other than you.
Well you can lose his number because he has me.

And with that I hung up and deleted his number. I was crushed. He has a girlfriend? And he didn't tell me about it? I thought we told each other everything? I thought we had something but I guess we don't. Never have never will apparently. That night I cried myself back to sleep thinking of what previously just happened.

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