Real Life

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Sophia's POV:

I threw my phone across my room and I swear to god that I heard it break. But at this moment in time I didn't care. The guy I love, the guy who I THOUGHT loved me, cheated on me. I don't know, it just seems so.... surreal. Of course I had my doubts about our relationship but I never thought it would happen. I mean he's been distant with me, but I didn't think this was the reason why.

Some may say I'm taking this "well" but to be honest I'm not. How am I supposed to trust him? How am I gonna have this baby without him? What if my baby grows up and asks where his/her daddy is? How am I supposed to explain that he left us for some SLUT.
Anthony came barging in and with him being in my life since I was like what? 5? I completely broke down.
S: how could he do this to me?
A: I don't know love, who knows maybe it's an old picture.
S: or mayyyyyybe it's a real new picture, he actually cheated on me, and I'm going to raise my baby all alone.
By this point I was having an anxiety attack. Which is very rear for me. Although I knew I had to calm down because if I didn't my baby could go in distress and I can have a miscarriage but I couldn't.

*an hour later*

I was finally calm and Anthony and I were cuddled up on my bed watching "to all the boys I loved before." I know what your thinking "oh your cuddling up with your bestfriend, things can go to the next level, you'll end up in the same position as Ethan. But no, Anthony is gay. And me and all my friends support him completely. I mean having a guy best friend is great, but having a gay best friend is the best thing in the world. It's kinda like he's kevin and I'm Veronica from riverdale you know?
Ethan's pov:

I was on set when my phone lit up. There was a notification saying Brielle tagged me in a post. At first I didn't want to open it because you know I'm incredibly happy with Sophia. I finally opened it and there it was, an old picture of Brielle and I missing. Her caption had me raging mad I immediately texted her and told her to delete the post

Ethan❤️: Brielle
Brielle🙃: yes?
Ethan❤️: delete that picture of us
Brielle🙃: now come on E why would I do that?
Ethan❤️: because we are not together anymore
Brielle🙃: come on ethan we all know that sophia girl got pregnant just so you wouldn't come back to me, but we all know you want me back.
Ethan❤️: the hell I want you back. You cheated on me like 5 times during our relationship, I've forgiven you to many times and you kept doing it, that is until I met sophia. And even if she wasn't pregnant I would still choose her than you any day
Brielle🙃: okay baby you can quit lying to yourself now
Ethan❤️: delete the post
Brielle🙃: I think not.
Ethan❤️ has blocked Brielle🙃

After many minutes of texting Brielle I decided to contact Instagram and delete that post once and for all. I tried multiple times to text sophia but knowing our situation I would have to go a lot bigger than a text message. What kind a sick person would do that?

Lier: Sophia? Can we talk
Sophia: about?
Lier: you know what
Sophia: actually I don't, there's nothing to talk about
Lier: about Brielle's post
Sophia: ooooohhhh, Okay well here's what I know, you went to hang out with her, you cheated on me with her, it's all in the past, and you got what you wanted
Lier: listen that picture was old, really old okay? And I've had what I wanted, i want you, and our baby, only you two, your the light of my life, your the reason I wake up in the morning, your the reason I go to sleep at night with a smile on my face, your the reason I'm so happy all the damn time. You. Not Brielle, Not any other girl I've been with. You!
Sophia: I have to go
Ethan: please, don't do this, believe me
Seen 1:48 am

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