Real Life

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Sophia's point of view:
After I posted that picture, I've been getting so much comments. Some worrying about me if I'm okay or not and some hate. Which hate doesn't really get to me. You shouldn't let hate her to you because that's letting the hater know that they've won the battle and won't stop.

My friends made me realize something. Something I already knew but just thinking about it makes me upset. Of course I knew that me and Ethan would never talk more and like get to know each other. It's just hard. He's a famous person and I'm... well I'm just me. The crazy, weird, nerdy kid that no one wants to hang out with.

The only reason I have Anthony and Lexi are because they are just like me. We've been through hell and back all three of us then when we turned 13 my sister started hanging out with us. Which I don't mind because I love my sister but she's more in the popular group at school. Sometimes I think if me and Ethan were to get together which will never happen, he'll just leave me for her.

See me, Anthony, and Lexi all graduated high school. We're 19 and I'm attending college to become a nurse. And Ethan. Well he's 19 and attending a freaking tv show. He has been for the past... what 8 or 9 years who really knows. I just wish that we could talk and get to know each other.

10 minutes after my comments started slowing down I heard my phone buzz. I thought it was just another comment so I decided not to look and go get some food instead. When I came back to the couch to watch tv I decided to check Instagram really quick. Come to find out that "buzz" wasn't a commenting buzz. It was a someone was trying to send me a message buzz. To my surprise I read,
"Ekat19 wants to send you a message"
off of my phone CRAZY RIGHT! I hesitated on opening it because... well hello a hot, famous, guy was trying to message me. I mean it wasn't all for his looks it was his personality and who he truly is. After like 4-5 minutes of contemplating on opening the message, I slowly and hesitantly opened it.

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