Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N - - -  Here's another chapter since the one before this was short and I posted it late! So I hope this makes up for it a little bit! :) Enjoy!


A full two weeks passed and Jeremy hardly left his flat. He has been spending his time drinking, alone. He realized that liquor helped him forget about his problems, not fully but he'd take anything he could get just to avoid some of the pain.

He has become quite good friends with Elizabella's voice mail. He calls everyday several times a day leaving her voice mails begging for her to call him. He knows that this may come off desperate but he could care less about his ego now.

It was almost noon and Jeremy was already getting drunk sitting on his bed watching reality shows as he couldn't watch TV in the living room. He has now realized why Elizabella actually enjoys them. They are quite amusing. He was taking a long sip from his Jack Daniels bottle when someone knocked on the front door. He almost didn't want to answer but the nagging voice in his head reminded him that it might be Elizabella. He quickly sprang up from the bed and stumbled out the to the front door.

As soon as he opened the door and saw who it was he started to close it but their foot was quick to prevent that from happening. "Jerm.." Zachery said and his voice was filled with concern. Jeremy just grunted in response hardly even looking up. Zachery invited himself in and brushed pass Jeremy walking into the living room.

He took one good look around the living room and then turned to look at Jeremy. "What the fuck happened?" He questioned. Jeremy just shrugged while making his way over to the couch. "You thirsty?" He asked him while holding up his bottle. Zachery scoffed at him. "Seriously mate? It's hardly noon!" He scolded as if he were talking to a child. Jeremy rolled his eyes. "More for me then." He mumbled.

Zachery stood there for a moment in silence just staring at him. Jeremy was just acting as if he wasn't even there. "You and Liz havent showed up in two weeks, avoided my calls and your father's. He is livid by the way. I finally get a hold of Liz and she can hardly even explain what the bloody hell is going on! So please shed some light on the situation for me!" He spat finally.

Jeremy flinched from hearing her name and he sat up quickly. "You spoke to her? When? What did she say?" He rushed out and Zachery sighed dramatically. "She finally answered my call and I asked her where the hell the two of you were and she said she hasn't spoke to you and for me to come here and check on you and that she's quitting the job." He said calmly. "But what I need to know is...what the fuck happened?" He rushed out harshly. Jeremy sank back down into the couch. He couldn't help the feeling in his stomach when Zachery mentioned that Elizabella wanted him to be checked on. Was that a good sign? Was she worried about him? "I fucked up." Jeremy said softly.

Zachery sat down in one of the lounge chairs. "Really?" Zachery asked in a sarcastic tone. Jeremy gave him a hard glare but stayed quiet. "What happened mate? I mean you guys seemed fine and then all the sudden you're not showing up and I come here and find you pissed on a Monday afternoon." He said softly. "Did you guys get into a fight? I must of been bad if she quit." He pushed.

Jeremy's patience was wearing thin, quickly. "I don't fucking know, OK? Fuck! Get off my back! So what I missed some work for the first time in my life? Big fucking deal! I'm sure my dad has been doing just fine with out me." He spat out harshly. Zachery kept a calm expression. "Alright...well I don't know either but you can't sit in this damn flat forever and hide. I'm sure you and Liz will work it out but in the mean time you need to take a damn shower because you smell terrible and then you need to go out and go to the gym or some shit and then come home and sleep then get your arse up and show up to work tomorrow. " He lectured.

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