Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Be honest do you even talk to her like that?"

"Nah, not really."

"I barely see you with her anymore, I'm not trying to be nosy but I knew something wasn't right when I didn't see her really come to the hospital," Shyan said as we listened to the beats coming from both studios.

Shyan had been here already coming with Demetrius, finding each other in the hallway while I went to the bathroom I sneak away from Keyshawn as he did his thing.

He was so cute when he was focused on his work, I loved that he was doing what he loved to do. Making a mental note to greet my brother before I left, I shook my head at her answer.

I haven't spoken to who was supposedly my best friend since I was in the hospital. We would talk every day but now that she had a boyfriend, and new friends she barely had time for me.I would talk to her about it, but she would just brush it off saying she was busy, and it wasn't hard feelings.

It was hard feelings to me though. I've told everything to that girl, and she has for me. I knew I was losing her, and I really didn't have a best friend anymore.

"Nah I don't mind you asking. It is what it is. I'm not going to force anyone to fuck with me how they once were. It doesn't make sense how quick she changed up, but it's cool."

"I know it must hurt but if she can't understand how she is distancing herself from a good friend who has been with her for ode, then fuck her." Smiling I reached over to her giving her a hug. I appreciated that she saw what was right, and what wasn't.

People such as Lauren, Natalie, and some boys in the school would kiss Bridget's ass, and I knew she had to see it too. A blind person could see it, it was obvious, however, she continued to act oblivious to the news when someone would point it out to her, which I did multiple times.

"You know real recognize real."

"Hannnnnn!" I semi-yelled letting the bird come out of me. I knew I had some ghetto in me, but it only came out when I was mad, or comfortable enough with the person to show it.

"Hey, guys!" Lauren screamed coming over to us. Opening up for a group hug we extended arms and locked with each other. Shyan had invited her since we haven't all hung out since my hospital visit which was always cut short.

It was perfect because we still allowed the boys to have their time in the studio with us being there, but not fully there.

"Alright, alright this is gay," I said moving back as they mugged me, and slightly chuckled.

"I need to go out to a party or something. I haven't been out since the Halloween party." Shaking my head I never understood how people would want to go out, and party all the time. I tried not to judge Lauren but she was never like this.

In the beginning, she was this innocent girl who knew would be scared to disobey her mom, cry about getting a B, or an A- on a test. She was the girl who covered up and wouldn't dare show her stomach because it would make her look like a hoe.

I remember encouraging her, and Shyan to start cursing since she thought she wouldn't get into heaven unless she didn't use foul language. I was evil, yes, but from what it looks like I helped make a robot.

Now was different. Now was not Lauren from the beginning. She wore revealing clothes and made sure all her clothes were tight. She was rude to her mother, who I personally loved. Her friends began smoking, and drinking, so she began doing monkey see, monkey do. I loved her but she always allowed people to influence her decision.

I understood people change, but everyone should change for the better. Not that I'm perfect, but at least everything I do it's my decision. I admired the fact that she always made sure her grades good, she knew how to separate the bull shit from the future. Something I failed at continuously.

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