Chapter Twelve

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"I advise you not to do that."

Pulling me from walking toward Emily, and Keyshawn I was forced into another direction in the house. Looking up I saw it was Joshua dragging me.

"You don't even know what I was going to do?" I shrugged him off of me, as he released his grip.

"I know it's gotta be hard, it doesn't seem like I would understand but I do. This the second time she took someone from you right?"

Going into the kitchen I got myself a drink pouring the vodka in the red cup.

"They could just be friends." I said trying to convince myself shrugging my shoulders, as he straight-faced me.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but we both know when she hanging around a guy she not just friends with them."

Downing the rest of the alcohol in my cup, I went to pour some more before he grabbed the bottle out my hand.

"Am I ugly?" I asked looking him in the eyes to make sure he wouldn't lie.

"Nah you're really not. I actually got a friend that been checking for you fa' a minute, but for right now you need a boy best friend." Pulling my hand once again, I assumed he was bringing me to the friend.

"D'Andre, this is Trinity. Trinity, D'Andre." Standing in front of the brown skin guy he smiled at me before licking his lips.



"I'ma let you two kids do what you do," Joshua said before walking away.

Scooting over he made space so I could sit next to him. The people he was once talking to excused themselves letting me have him to myself.

After just a few minutes of us taking, I had learned he was single, and in need of a best friend. In a fast but weird shit way, we clicked and agreed that if we can create a dope bond we can be that.

"Then she tried to make me eat her ass. At first, I was down, until I got down there, and saw she had shit stains." Scrunching up my face I busted out laughing, as he shook his head laughing a little too.

"So what did you do? You didn't embarrass her did you?" I asked hoping he didn't and found another way to get out of doing it.

"Hell nah. I told her she needs to go wash her ass, fuck is she trying to do something sexual for when she had shit crust on the outside of the hole." Busting out laughing I shook my head. He was right, a female should never try to do anything sexual knowing her hygiene was off for the day.

Remembering the things me, and Keyshawn did I stayed quiet for a few seconds turning my head seeing him look at me.

"Hey, D'Andre," Keisha said walking by as I mugged her. Nodding his head at her he somewhat kept his eyes on me keeping it simple.

Rolling my eyes I looked back at him, and he smirked.

"You don't like her?" Shaking my head no, he asked no questions before saying "well then I don't like her either."

Why couldn't Keyshawn do that?

"Why you look stressed out." Looking over at him, I was trying to keep my face under control. I was known to have a resting bitch face, and it was honestly hard to control what face I made.

"You can see it in my face huh?" Nodding his head we laughed. "I just need a blunt, and then I'll be cool."

"I got a friend who keeps shit on him, and he like you so he'll pass." Before I could refuse he was already up going over to look for his friend. Getting up to get another drink I went to the kitchen to get a cup of Pineapple Ciroc.

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