Chapter 14: Accidents happen

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Kris's POV

I was lying in bed, I don’t know how I got here, I just remember falling asleep on the ground after Connor broke up with me. Great Connor broke up with me.

I heard someone say “I love you” but I don’t know if I was dreaming since I was too tired to do anything about it. I honestly am heart broken, I don’t know what to do and it is now 3 pm and i've layed in the same spot since I woke up 6 hours ago.

Will comes in “Kris? Look I’m sorry about what happened between you and Connor, I know you liked him, but can you please tell me what actually happened, just talk to me, you are starting to worry me you haven't gotten up or ate, or even used the bathroom. I’m sorry if I’m no help right now, if only mom was here she would know what to say. She would probably start talking to you in Chinese to be honest I don’t even know how you understand that cuz I don’t. Come on Kris say something anything!” Will sighs, I want to speak but I just cant. 

The boys come in, with a lot of food. “Is she not speaking yet?” Dana asks. “Is she even moving?” Gabe asks “dude, check her pulse she might be dead!” David says, I was laughing inside when he said that but I’m still sad, I blink to show them that I am still alive. “fewwww she’s alive” David says. “well… look what we’ve got Kris, we got you cheese sticks, from different lands” Cole said trying to make it sound interesting. I look at the cheese sticks, man I wanted those but I didn’t want to move “and… and we got you drum roll please Gabe” Gabe does a drum roll with his beat boxing skills “nutella!” they all shout. I turn my back to them, and Cole and David gasp over exaggerating, “dude did you just see that, she turned her back on nutella!” Cole said. “guys lets just go, she really isn’t feeling good” Will said and as he is about to step out of my room... “Will” I said, he comes running back “oh my god you talked!” he said in relief. “I wanna talk to mom” I say. 

“Mom?” Will says through the phone “mom its Will, we have a heartbroken girl over here, she really wants to talk to you.” He gives me the phone and stays in my room. “Mommy?” I started to cry “me and Connor broke up……. Yes its because of Dana……….. he said there was something going on between me and him and he felt like I wasn’t all his, he felt like part of me was with Dana…………I know, I can never be happy can I? every time I like someone I end up going back to Dana, I don’t know why he didn’t even tell me he likes me or anything!…………………….mom I really like him……………….I don’t know what to do.” Will left me and my mom to talk and I talked to her for hours, I listened as she gave me her wise words. I don’t know what I would do without her. 


Well, its been days since me and Connor broke up, I decided to actually talk to the guys I have no choice I’ve kinda gotten over it but its still hurts when I see him at school. We are mid way through the movie I’m just practicing some lines for the next scene in the back yard, right now the house is really quiet cuz the boys are at the studio recording stuff, so yeah I’m alone… I stood by the pool, reading my lines, but not to close, cuz if I fell in I would drown cuz I can't swim. 

But the next thing I know, I scream and end up at the bottom of the swimming pool. I tried to swim up but I couldn’t, I didn’t know who pushed me, I just saw a figure from under the water and then it ran. I just stayed there floating. I tried kicking and flapping my arms but I couldn't lift the weight. I felt the water constricting me from; seeing, moving, breathing.

This is the end of me, I’m going to die, I could already feel the water clogging up my lungs. My eyes started to close, but before it did, I could’ve sworn I saw an angel. 

Dana’s POV

Me and the guys have just arrived at the house after coming back from the studio. I hear a scream coming from the back yard. “Guys what was that?” David asks “looks like it came from our back yard” Gabe says. I look in shock, my heart was beating I say quietly “Kristen”. I leg it into the house and open the door, with the boys following me. “Dana whats going on?” Will asks, “I don’t know!” I shout in panic, while racing in through the kitchen out into the yard. I saw no one there. Then my heart stops when I see Kris floating below the water. “KRIS!!” Will shouted in terror. I jump in immediately while Will following me, I grab her and lift her to the surface, Gabe, Cole and David help me bring her up. Gabe is calling the ambulance “yeah…. 7th Eleanor street…. She drowned…. Yeah we’ll try” I try doing CPR believing that I could save her.  “come on Kris, wake up, come on” I keep doing it over and over again and each time harder, I felt the tears down my face. The boys were getting scared and worried too. Cole was biting his fingernails and pacing. “Come on Kris, Kris please” I say and I whisper in her ear “please I love you!” I do the CPR again and she coughs out the water. “Kris!” I grab her and squeeze her tight, while the tears were falling. 

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