World War III - Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Two weeks had passed and I was happy for Zaiden and Lizzie, but it made me feel like the third wheel. It wasn't jealousy but I will admit, a sort of yearning seeped into me whenever I saw them together. Zaiden and Lizzie were giggling at the lockers and I was just standing there. Zaiden was such a fine boyfriend and it made me wonder if he would treat me the same if I were his girlfriend.

"I'm gonna head to class early," I said, not that it really mattered to them. I dodged my way through the crowded halls and looked back at Zaiden and Lizzie. It made me wonder if would ever find someone who will treat me right, someone who will actually show me respect. I suppressed a sigh and continued walking. Ethan and I acted like we didn't even exist to each other. I didn't mind too much about it because I loved the peace of mind. Ethan was an arrogant jerk and he said he hated me. At least hate is an emotion and is better than apathy, I thought.

Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. I hated that name now. Ethan Tizzard. What a lame name. Tizzard. Pfft! Tizzard. Like seriously, pfft! And E-man? What sort of nickname was that? If it was I-man, I'd think it was a new innovation from Apple. I-man, E-man, G-man, H-man, K-man, whatever, all of them sucked. Anger boiled inside me. Why did I feel this way? I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath, refusing to look up. I stared at the shiny-stoned floor and mumbled to myself. Ethan could go rot in a stinky sack for all I cared.

"Ouch," I gasped as I fell bottom-first onto the floor. My bag dropped and my books scattered around. I had hit something hard. "Crap, I knew I should have watched where I was going."

"No, it was my fault," said the huskiest voice I had ever heard. I was on my knees with my books in my hand when a saw an unfamiliar boy bend down to my level. He grabbed my bag and started shoving my books into it. He stopped when he noticed I wasn't responding. He stared at me. The only word that sprung to my mind was 'wow'. His hazel eyes pierced my own eyes. His chiselled jaw just made his angel-like features stand out. His brown hair was so perfectly suited on his head that I thought it would be impossible. Ethan who?

"This is so cliché," I said as I hastily stuffed all my books into my bag. I grabbed the ones he had and shoved them in as well. I stood up and so did he.

"Sorry?" he asked, confused. He had that British accent too. But like I said, Ethan who?

"This is like totally cliché. I mean we bump into each other in the school hallway, I drop my books, you help me pick them up then we just gaze into each other's eyes. I don't know about you, but nearly every teen romance book I've read has that scene in it," I explained. Then I realised I was blabbing so I waited for the shut down remark.

He laughed. He just laughed, and I swear it wasn't at me. It was like he found me funny. "Oh, I see. Well, should be play that scene again then? Perhaps to make it less cliché?"

Damn, I'll play any scene with you again, I said to myself. "Why not?" I smiled.

"Okay so you weren't paying attention but I was coming down those stairs and turning here when I bumped into you," he explained.

"All right, so this time I will be looking and then we'll stop as soon as we meet again."

"Yep, and I will ask you for directions to my class because frankly, I'm lost." He grinned and his dimples made my heart stop. I took a deep breath and steadied myself.

"And then I'll help you to your next class."

"But then as we're walking to class, I'll ask you if you want to ditch school and just hang out with me."

And then we can elope and have 3 children and be a happy family. "And then I'll..." I stepped closer and so did he. He raised his eyebrows, awaiting my response. "Tell you to keep dreaming."

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