World War III - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


When she opened the door, she looked different. Not in a bad way but in a good way. I only had the chance to look at her for about half a second before she shut the door in my face. The only reason I knew it was going to be her I had to have dinner with was because we parked outside her house. It was stupid, really. She lived next door and we drove there.

The dress she wore actually made her look hot. Scratch that, made her body look hot. Definitely, not her face. I got out of the car when we reached the restaurant and decided to play a little prank on her. I walked to her side and opened the door for her. Then I shut it so her dress could get caught it in. I silently laughed as I walked to join the adults at the door.

"Mr. Tizzard! Been a long time. Please, please, come in!" the security guard said.

"Shouldn't we wait for Adele?" I asked innocently.

"Where is she?" her mother, whose name was Miranda, asked.

"I'm not sure. She seems pretty attached to the car door," I said and mentally laughed because they didn't know just how attached she really was.

"Stop mucking around! Get here, now, please!" Miranda shouted to Adele.

"I'm stuck!" she yelled.

"How are you stuck?" her mother asked, obviously confused.

"Maybe she got her dress caught in the door," I suggested.

"How on Earth would she do that?" Miranda questioned.

"She probably wasn't paying much attention when she was getting out of the car," I guessed in a knowing way.

"Casper? Could I have the keys?" Miranda asked.

"Oh, I'll help her," I offered. I grabbed the keys from my dad and walked closer to the car. I pressed the button and doors unlocked. She glowered at me with her arms crossed against her chest.

I grinned then walked to her door. I opened it.

"Coming?" I asked. She didn't reply. She just huffed and clicked her heels away. I wished I was spending my night with some hot model, instead of being stuck there with a weird, moody thing. I sighed then joined the rest. I had been to the restaurant hundreds of times. I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings. Adele, on the other hand, looked dazzled. We sat a table that was right next to a huge window. The table was a rectangular shape. It had four seats. Two on one side and another two on the other side. My dad and Miranda sat on one side so that left Adele and I. We both hesitantly, sat next to each other. A waiter came to us and gave us our menus. He came back after three minutes to take our orders. I planned on ordering my favourite dish; lobster.

"And what would like, pretty lady?" the waiter asked Adele, and winked when he thought no one was looking. Adele giggled. I looked at the waiter and noticed he was around 18-19. He had jet black hair with green-grey eyes. I scoffed.

"Um, let's see. What do I do if what I want is not on the menu?" Adele flirted. I didn't know why, but I tensed.

"Well, why don't you tell me what you would like and I'll see if we can make some arrangements," he grinned in what was supposed to be a seductive way. I was a guy and I did not find it seductive at all. Maybe Adele did, I didn't know.

Adele grinned back and ran her tongue over her teeth. Whoa, that was hot.

"I can't exactly remember the name but I do know that it started with a 'P'," Adele replied. I looked at the waiter's name tag and saw his name was Patrick. Pfft! Ethan was a better name than Patrick.

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