World War III - Chapter 21

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because she was the first one to actually guess everything correctly.

Chapter 21


Ben? Wait, he was Ben? I was expecting someone crippled with a missing tooth, but Ben was actually good looking. I felt his hand tighten around mine and I tried hard to escape his hand's grasp.

"I need to go," I said as I tried pulling away. He didn't let go, he just stared at me.

"Can we talk?" he asked slowly.

"We just did in that capsule. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going."

"Ebony, we need to talk. If you can just hear me out-"

"Let go, or I'll scream. Really loud." Where was Liam and Sam when you needed them?

He studied me real hard for a second.

"I'll let go if you agree to talk with me."

"When?" I asked.


"Where?" I asked again.

"There's a little coffee shop around the corner."


"Because you need to know," he answered.


"Um, you and I?"



I was getting on his nerves. Good.

"What if I don't want to come with you?" I challenged.

"You will do as I say," he informed sternly.

"I can get the whole country's police on you. Let me go, freak." I planned on using a word other than 'freak', but then I remembered the promise I made to Ethan. Let's just say that word also started with 'f' and ended with 'k'

"Ebony, do not speak to me like that."

"Why? Who do you think you are? My father?" I asked, sarcasm clear in my voice.

"Yes, I am your father."

I snorted. "Yeah, and I'm Joe Jonas."

"Ebony, I'm serious and you will do as I say, young lady."

"Young lady? Okay, let's just say you are my father. What makes you think that after 17 years of missing from my life, you can just stroll back in and boss me around?"

"Just let me explain," he pleaded.

"No. You are not my father, so let me go!" I nearly shouted. Some people turned their heads our way.

"Ebony, think about it. Your mother has green eyes and blonde hair. You have blue eyes and dark hair: the same as I. Who do you think you inherited that from?"

Okay, so he had a point there, but was he really my father? He could have just been wearing contacts, and if he was my dad then why would my mum have been so scared?

"You could be wearing a wig," I pointed out.

"Just give me five minutes. That's all, then make up your mind."

"Fine. Let's get out of here before anybody recognizes me," I mumbled.

"Will you run away if I let go of your hand?"

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