World War III - Chapter 4

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ditched my HPE assignment for this.

anyways, enjoooyyy!!

Chapter 4


Detention only lasted for half an hour and as soon as it was over I rushed out the door and down the hallway. I had to hurry up. I burst out the front entrance door. I quickly hopped down the steps then ran down the street. I opened the door of the convenience store, found the bathroom then speedily took out the clothes I had on earlier. I stripped myself and carefully pulled on the dress and my pumps. I looked in the mirror and pulled my fringe back and brushed my hair. After that I lightly applied clear lip gloss then a little bit of mascara. I chucked my jeans, hoodie and converse into my bag before I stepped out.

I avoided the cashier and maneuvered my way out of the store. As expected, John was there with the limo. I put my sunnies on and rushed to the car. John opened the door for me and I got in.

"Good afternoon," he greeted as he got into the driver's seat.

"Hi," I mumbled.

"So, how was your first day?" he asked.

"It was okay and why were you late?" I asked, but not in a harsh tone.

"School called and said you got a detention. Luckily, your mother wasn't home so they called my cell. I figured you'd take a while."

"Thanks for not telling mum," I said and smiled.

"No worries, Miss. How did you pull it off?" I knew what he meant.

"Well, I changed at the store in the morning and then walked to the school. At school I acted like a bitch and was pretty much mean to everyone. After detention, I ran back to the store, got changed into what I wore in the morning then came to you," I replied casually.

"Why did you get a detention?" John asked as he took a right turn.

I wasn't sure if I should tell him about Ethan or not. As soon as I thought his name, his face came into my mind. I shook it off. I noticed John was still waiting for my reply.

"Oh, you know, just got into this argument with another student and the teacher got pissed so he gave us both detention," I said, which really wasn't a lie.

"Which student?" he raised a brow.

"Some random freak named Ethan," I replied, trying to act casual.

"What's this boy's last name?" he asked.

"Don't know, but I swear I hate him so much. During detention, he put a pin on my chair then I sat on it and the pin poked me," I blurted out, thankful I didn't mention the bit after the pin.

"And I'm guessing you're planning on getting him back?"

"Yep!" I smiled.


"I can't tell you that, but it'll happen sooner than you expect," I grinned evilly as I said this.

"Tomorrow?" he asked.

I humphed. How does he know everything?

"Yeah, tomorrow at school," I answered as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Should I be expecting a phone call from the school afterwards?" he sighed.

I chuckled. "Hopefully not. It's between him and I so it shouldn't really be the school's business."

Just then the limo turned into our large, tiled driveway.


I couldn't believe I had actually jumped on her. What scared me most was the fact that I was so turned on. The only reason I got off her was because I would have lost control and screwed her right there and then. I didn't give a shit about her saying she would press charges.

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