Chapter 14 (Part 2)

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Vanessa's POV

I landed in my old apartment back in Star City. The distant sounds of sirens rang through the empty halls. I set my bag down by the island at stood for a moment. All of a sudden, I heard a loud swoosh and turned to see a knife now embedded in the wall behind me.

"What the hell??!" I yelled turning to the direction in which I presumed it was thrown from.

"That was a warning the next one will be in your skull. Who are you?"

My eyes landed on the figure hidden in the shadows. It was not until I saw their petit, well built body figure I realised who it was.

"Sara? It's me Vanessa." I heard the knife hit the floor. I looked at her and she seemed to be trembling?

"That's impossible you're dead. We had your funeral "She said, her voice shaky it almost sounded heavy.

I glanced down at my arm then back to her. "Uhm nope very much alive thank you very much."

Before I knew it, I was on the floor tackled in a bone crushing hug. "Woah there ha-ha I missed you too sar."

"How? We couldn't track you after you fell through. We searched everywhere!"

"I've actually been on Earth 38 believe it or not, working with Kara and Alex."

I pulled Sara in for another hug.

Sara's POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had given up believing she was dead. As soon as I heard her response to dying was a joke I quickly realized it was her. My little sister. We had spent the whole night catching up and telling stories about our past year.

"Oh my gosh nes, I totally forgot!"

"What is it Sara?"

"I have a girlfriend her name is Ava!"

"Oh my gosh I have to meet her and give her the girlfriend talk now." She said rolling her eyes sarcastically.

"Actually, Sara so do I. You are never going to guess who it is."


"Kara. "She said grinning from ear to ear.

"Hmm I'm going to have to give my big sister talk now."

We both laughed completely content with the silence that followed.

"So nes, are you basically Supergirl now? I mean with the powers and everything."

"I guess, except the heat vision and freeze breath. We aren't really sure though, I'm human but whatever Mr. Jackass injected into me has also made me part Kryptonian. We are going to do more testing when I get back."

"You're going back?" I asked a little stunned. I imagined she would stay here this was her home.

"I have to Kara is on Earth 38 I can't leave her."

"Oh" I could not find anything more to say.

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