Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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Warning: May have sensitive content. Mention of Suicide.

Vanessa sat on the roof of her apartment building. The only sounds were the occasional police sirens off in the distance. She sat on the ledge moving her feet back and forth, watching them dangle over the edge. It was therapeutic in a way. Knowing that at any moment she could fall and yet there she sat on the edge still breathing. In that moment she only knew one thing. She had full control. She could lean forward slightly and fall to her death, but she also had the power to stay. In no way was she intent on dying whatsoever. But to have that power gave her a rush. She often did this mostly after Sara had left. Just to regroup and put time to a stop. Only for a little while. No matter how fast the world moved it was always perfectly still in that moment. The way she discovered it however, was not a pleasant story. After Sara, and her vigilante work with Oliver it just became too much one day. She sat there exactly how she was sitting right now. The only difference was that she was intent on dying that night. That is until Ollie found her. He had convinced her to stay for Quinten's sake.

"If you plan on jumping I don't think it will solve whatever you are going through."

Vanessa turned around to see Supergirl hovering slightly above the ground.

"Don't worry, I'm just thinking. If I were to jump I would have done it by now."

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all Supergirl." Vanessa moved over making room for the Kryptonian. They often chatted at work however, it was mostly small talk and the ocasional 'How was the mission?' or 'Did you have a nice weekend?' nothing more.

"So what is it you are thinking about on the ledge of a building?" Kara asked turning towards the girl next to her. She always looked beautiful not matter what time of day it was. Her soft brown hair always parted to the side. The layers falling perfectly just past her shoulders. Her smile was what Kara always loved about her. That was always her favourite part about her.

"I found out there's a way for me to go home. Back to earth one. I just don't know if I want to go back."

"Why not?"

"I'm not that kid anymore, I know soooo cheesy but it's true. That was a broken version of me. The me that lost her parents, the me that couldn't save Laurel. At least here no one knows that baggage."

"Is that the reason you got upset earlier? Kara Danvers told me."

Vanessa chuckled turning towards the Kryptonian. Kara had question if she knew who she really was.

"No that was different, I was just upset they didn't tell me. I'm sure they had their reasons but it still felt a little shitty. It's just a lot ya know? Over the past year I really thought I couldn't go back I made a life here. It's hard because, I don't want to leave it but at the same time I do."

"I completely understand, when I found out about Argo I didn't know what to do. It was like I felt obligated to leave but also like I had to stay."

Before Vanessa could respond, a breach opened directly behind them. A tall figure came through with four other armed men. The two women immediately got up trying to stand their ground. Immediately he shot a green looking bullet towards Supergirl causing her to wince in pain. As hard as Vanessa tried to fight she could not take on all of them at once. They pulled her into the breach as she struggled to break free.

"Vanessa, No!" Kara yelled but the pain was starting to become unbearable. Kara pressed her hand to her ear turning on her comms. "Alex help! I've been hit they got Vanessa!"

"Kara who?" Alex replied already having the strike team assembled.

"I don't know but the Kryptonite is getting worse."

"Hang in there Kara we are on the way."

To be continued......

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