Chapter 11 (Part 2)

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Vanessa slowly began to slowly fade into consciousness. The room was cold and the smell of disinfectant filled her nose. She was tied down to a metal table. The table was still cold which meant she hadn't been here for long. Trying to grasp her surroundings she saw a figure standing in a doorway before her.

"Interesting seeing you here Savage, I thought the Legends would have killed you by now." The girl smirked, trying to sound as cocky as possible.

"You really have been gone for awhile haven't you Miss Lance. However, your assumption is correct they did kill me. Although it's funny how time travel works isn't it?"

"Hilarious, what do you want from me now? You never really made it clear." She said slowly losing patience with the man.

"I want your blood. See your I have found a way to create a Super. In order for this to work I need a dormant child of Krypton. Almost like waking up your genes in a way. Now we get to see if you can make it through the experiment without your blood curdling." he laughed making his way towards her.

"So what I'm your experiment now?"

"It will appear so... my regular self could not complete his mission, let's hope remnants can do better than their predecessors."

"You're psychotic." Vanessa spat.

"No just motivated." he sneered

No matter how hard she struggled she couldn't escape. The steel restraints bolted to the table. A man dressed in a lab coat held her arm to the cold table and began injecting a thick liquid into her. Immediately Vanessa began to scream as he body starting to convulse. All she could see was a blue light appear as the doors to the lab began to blast open. Then everything just faded to black.

Kara saw Vanessa's body go limp. She began to take out Savage's men one by one. They began to fire bullets although they had no effect on the Kryptonian whatsoever. Savage managed to jump through a breach within the chaos. Once the strike team got a hold of his men, Kara made her way over the girl on the table looking for a pulse anywhere she could. Thankfully she felt one but it was very weak. Alex ordered the strike team to clear out the building.

"Alex she has a pulse but it's really weak."

"Get her to the DEO, we can't get her there in time with the 5-tonner.

Kara broke the restrains and picked her up flying her as fast as she could.

"Hang in there Nes I can't lose you, not now."


Vanessa felt the grogginess hit her as she regained her consciousness. She looked around the room to find she was in the DEO medbay once again. She became familiar with the room after she started to work for the agency, often finding herself regaining her consciousness in the room or getting stitched up by Alex.

"Hey you." Kara whispered

She turned to see Kara standing next to her. She always looked rather adorable in those glasses of hers.

"Hey Kara." the girl chuckled. She then turned her attention to the older Danvers entering the room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Alex asked, still feeling a little awkward and guilty from their last interaction.

"Like I was thrown off a building, my arm kills."

"We couldn't get the serum Savage injected out of your system."

"So... what I'm a Super now?"

"We don't exactly know. You're stable as of right now but we have to run some tests."

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