Chapter 5

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Vanessa watched as Sara began to cry in her arms. The feeling of guilt began to set in, her chest feeling heavier than usual. She could feel Sara's legs starting to give way as she tried to hold her up, eventually letting both of them reach the floor. The younger Lance sat her back to the wall still holding a crying Sara in her arms. Never in her life has she seen the girl so broken, especially after her time with the League.

All Sara felt was empty. Nessa was right she did leave. Maybe if Sara had stayed things would have been different but all she could do for now was cry. She could only ever do that in front of three people. Although Vanessa was angry Sara knew she would hold her as long as she needed. She knew she was safe with her. Sara continued to cry for what felt like a few hours, in reality it was only 45 minutes or so. Soon enough she began to calm down slightly. She sat with a tear stained face focusing on the feeling of Vanessa stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just so angry that, I forgot you probably didn't even know." The girl said in a soft tone. She continued to stroke the blonde's hair. Although she didn't get a response she felt the girl tighten her grip. It was enough for now.

The pair sat on the ground for a few more hours until Vanessa looked down and saw the older girl fast asleep. She picked her up and put her in the extra bedroom next to hers. Pulling the covers over a sleeping Sara she turned off the light and headed to her room. Vanessa checked her phone for the time. 2:45 am. She texted Quinten telling him she was taking the day off of work tomorrow. Slowly crawling into bed she finally was able to let her eyes close drifting off into sleep almost immediately.

The next day Vanessa left to get coffee and doughnuts for breakfast. When she entered the apartment she found Sara sitting on the couch staring at the wall. She turned her attention to the girl only for a moment before turning back to the drywall. Vanessa put the coffee down on the table I front of Sara and sat next to her.

"You gotta eat something Sar."

"Do you think if I had stayed I could have saved her?"

"I don't think so, Damien had the advantage of magic. There isn't really any way to know."

"Wait if there was." Sara said finally turning to the younger girl.

Vanessa recognized that look in Sara's eyes. She knew what she was thinking. "No way Sara you can't just go back in time and change this. Have you seen Back to the Future??"

"I know.." Sara said looking at the ground.

"Look Sar you gotta promise me you won't go looking for Damien I lost one sister I'm not losing the other."

Sara let out a sad chuckle looking at the girl in front of her. "Since when did you get so grown up?"

"Well I had to learn how deal with things myself. It kind of makes you realize that being an adult is just like being a teenager that has to pay bills. We are all the same stumbling through life not entirely sure what is going on." Vanessa laughed.

Sara smiled at the girl. Even in the darkest of times she never failed to put a smile on her face.

Two days later

"FELICITY! KINDA NEED THOSE COORDINATES NOW! Unless you wanna see this dude escape I could really use your help." Vanessa yelled through the coms while she was chasing two perps headed down 5th street. The perps managed to lose her and Oliver but Vanessa was still hot on their trail.

"Working on it you yelling isn't helping."


"Yeesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." Felicity said obviously annoyed with the attitude the younger Lance was giving her.

"Sorry but I need them NOW."

"Got it 4675 Cordova street."

"Thanks you're the best. I'll buy you doughnuts."

"All the apology I need."

Vanessa parked her bike in front of the warehouse. Raising her gun she entered cautiously looking for their perpetrators. She moved towards a pile of crates rounding the corner a little to quickly. She then realized her perps were no where in sight. No, what she saw was much, much worse.

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