Chapter 7

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Nessa opened the door slowly trying to get a hold of her surroundings. The hallway was long and extravagant. The walls were covered in old paintings of what appeared to be the family who owned the place. The corridor was dimly lit with most of its light coming from the moon in the night sky. Suddenly She heard a voice coming from behind me.


"Shit." She immediately turned the other way and bolted to whatever exit she could find. This was not normal for the detective, usually she did the chasing. The brown haired girl would never shy away from a fight but, this time she decided finding a way out was more important than dislocating the guard's shoulder. Just as she rounded the corner she was met with two more guards and Savage standing in front of her. All of a sudden she felt a sharp pain on back of her head. Everything went black.

Slowly coming to, Vanessa opened and closed her eyes as she tried to regain her consciousness. Looking down, all she could see were IVs attached to her arm. She turned towards the monitor that admitting a constant beeping sound as it calculated her heart rate. She saw a girl sitting in the chair next to her bed but could not make out a face. "Sara?" She said weakly turning to the woman before her.

"You're awake!" she said a little louder than intended.

Slowly Vanessa began to sit up. Looking around she noticed she was in some sort of lab. "Where am I?....and where's Savage? Who are you people?"

"My name is Alex Danverse we found you after you fell out of a breach that opened in Downtown."

"How long have i been out?"

"Well let's just say when we found you, you were in worse shape than we thought. The doctors put you in a medically induced coma you have been under for about three months."

"THREE MONTHS???" Vanessa yelled but flinched immediately remembering the pounding in her head.

"Hey I need you to calm down. You're okay, we tried finding emergency contacts but you don't seem to have any."

"You mean to tell for the past three months my family had no idea whereI was?"

"Look you need to rest. We can figure all this out when you feel a bit better. Maybe then you can tell us why you decided to breach fifty feet above the middle of downtown."

Vanessa hardly had the energy to argue. She just laid back and stared at the ceiling. 'I hope Sara and Quinten are okay' she thought to herself slowly fading back into her sleep.

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