Chapter 9

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Present day Earth-38

"Alex I'm not going and you can't make me." Vanessa argued, she was trying to break free from Alex's unnaturally strong grip.

"You have to it's going to be fun. You have basically been living in the DEO, even I don't work that much!" Alex said, dragging Vanessa towards the door of her apartment. She had broken in while Vanessa was in the shower.

"Dude, I can't even sing and karaoke is just going to solidify that fact. Also I should mention as an officer of the law breaking and entering is illegal. "

"First of all, I'm doing it for your own good. Second of all, you are not an officer of the law on this earth you are a DEO agent. THIRD of all, I am your superior officer and I order you to come have fun with us."

"Fine but if you make me sing some bullshit song like 'Walking on Sunshine' I swear I will shoot myself."

"Just shut up and move ur ass first round is on me."


Later at the Alien Dive Bar

The group of friends all sat in a booth finishing up the last of their drinks. Winn managed to destroy three baskets of wings raising his record from two and a half.

"Anyways so Tommy tried to climb up the tree to tag me but, I was so terrified of being 'it' that I stayed up there for three whole hours." Vanessa admitted slightly embarrassed with her childhood story.

"Haha who knew the fearless Vanessa Lance was terrified of a game of tag." Winn laughed

"Hey! I was not scared just....uhhh.. determined to win." Vanessa said a smile spreading across her face for what seemed like the first time in forever.

"Alright me and Winn are gonna head out."James said

"Yeah, we got some major Guardianing to do." He chuckled

"Aww boo you guys suck." Alex said "Be safe guys."

"Thanks, we will." Winn called out looking a little too excited for his mission.

Alex, Kara, and Vanessa decided to finish up their night at Kara's apartment. The trio sat on the living room floor with blankets and pillows getting as comfortable as they could.

"So Vanessa, you have been with us for almost a year and we still know nothing about you." Alex said looking at the girl.

"Well Danvers what do ya wanna know?"

"Well for starters when's your birthday?"

"Yeah you have been here almost a year and we haven't celebrated it." Kara said pulling a sarcastically suspicious face.

"June 18th, 1998."

"YESSSS! I'm not the youngest anymore!" Kara yelled excited about the fact that she was finally older than someone in the group of super friends.

"Okay kara calm down you are legit three years older than me." Vanessa said over exaggerating her eye roll. She couldn't help but smile at the reporter seated before her. Vanessa always had a thing for blondes and Kara was no exception.

"So Lance I was wondering... you wouldn't happen to know a Sara Lance would you? From earth one."

Vanessa's eyes shot up to meet the redhead's. She hadn't heard that name in almost a year.

" she my older cousin... how do you know her?"

Alex's face began to turn red with embarrassment. How on earth would she explain this. She turned to look at Kara for help but the Kryptonian was just as clueless on how to handle this one.

"Remember the wedding me and Kara went to a few weeks ago? Well it's actually kind of funny cuz... I was there because I was sad about Maggie...and haha guess what your cousin was there.... and we uh well we were both single and ....uh really drun-"

"I can go back to earth one?" The dark haired girl whispered.

"Yes." Alex said sensing the tension in the room rising slightly

"You knew this the entire time and you said nothing?"

"Vanessa I-"

"Kara did you know?"

"Yes." Kara replied unsure of what else to say.

"I gotta go." Vanessa said tears beginning to form in her eyes. They knew where she was from. They knew she wanted to go home more than anything. Why the hell would they keep it from her? All she knew was she needed to hit something.

I knowwww not very action packed yet we are getting there. Also nessa and kara should be interesting

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