Chapter 12

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D.E.O Headquarters

"Winn would you drop it already."

"Com'on I thought we were best buds I wanna know who you have been secretly seeing for the past month." Winn pried "Please give me something, anything! Is the sex good at least?"

"Jesus Christ."

"I'll buy you wings." He said in the most persuasive tone possible.

"So help me Winn if you don't drop it I will drop you off of a building."

"Damn girl aight. Listen I have an update on your power status, you are completely stable and you exhibit all of Supergirl's powers except for freeze breath and laser vision. However you are much faster than Supergirl. Actually you are almost on par with the Flash." Winn assessed. Vanessa could never figure out what exactly he was reading on the monitor but that technical stuff seemed to make sense to the IT agent.

"Haha hell yeah, man I can't wait to tell Barry when i go back. Imma head to lockers to clean up n clock out."

"Yeah see ya Lance"

Vanessa began to take of her short remembering that she had to talk to Alex about the stench in here.

"Hey Nes can we talk?" Kara said looking everywhere else but the brunette's eyes. She was slightly blushing, and fully noting the fact that Vanessa currently didn't have a shirt on.

"Yeah of course kar what's up?"

"No, not here somewhere else."

"Okay....where then? You're kind of worrying me."

"Meet at your apartment at eight? I need to finish up some stuff in the lab with Alex." Kara said still keeping her distance from the girl.

"Okay, see you soon?"

"Yeah thanks."

"Always babe." She smiled at the girl waiting for her to leave first. She didn't try to kiss her girlfriend goodbye. She could sense her distance, and Vanessa didn't want to push anything.


Later that Evening

"Hey Kara is everything okay?" Vanessa said opening the door to let her girlfriend.

"Ummm kind of."

"Kind of?"

"I was just wondering when you were planning on going back to your earth."

"I was kinda hoping to go this weekend actually maybe stay just a little while."

"Are you going to come back?" Kara asked her voice a little shaky.

"Is that what this is about? You think I won't want to come back?"

Kara nodded, two stray tears fell from her face. "I just had a lot of people leave me you know? Mon el, my parents, Jeremiah. So if you are going to leave I want to be prepared."

Vanessa walked towards her girlfriend slowly wiping away the tears. She began to caress her cheek slowly, lifting up her chin so the blonde's eyes met her own. "Kara baby, listen to me. I promise you I'm not going to leave you. Not ever. I know you have to stay here and be Supergirl, and I don't know how long I'm going to stay." She began to wipe the tears that were now freely flowing down Kara's face before continuing on. "I actually was able to get Winn to replicate the breach device Cisco made so I will try and breach as often as I can. But Kara, bottom line is I'm not going anywhere."



Kara instantly went for a hug. They stayed there like that for awhile. Vanessa pulled away only to connect their lips. With every kiss she tried to convey how much Kara meant to her. They slowly pulled away when air became a problem.

"So movie night? I bought a whole bunch of chicken wings wanna help me finish em? I kind of thought you were going to break up with me." Vanessa laughed sounding more nervous than sarcastic.

"Deal we can finally have that musical marathon!" Kara said extremely excited about the thought.

The night was spent with many cuddles and a lot of food. Just as the pair were about to drift off to sleep one thing was clear. Vanessa wanted to do this every single day.

Sorry for the short chapter. I just really wanted to write a cute chapter with the two of them.

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